View Full Version : Attitude Problem

09-24-2007, 12:50 PM
:lol Thank god my puberty has come and gone :rotfl

Kirby seems to be going through this phase where he is so indecisive on what he wants and becomes SO FRUSTRATED that he ends up biting everything.

For example:
He wanted out of his cage on the weekend, so he would come to the end of his cage, open his wings bob his head likes he's going to fly and when I offer him my hand (and usually he gives us a warning when he's not happy with what I'm doing; (the neck all fluffed up vulture look) but this time he didn't give a warning and then got all angry like I invaded his space.

He also would fly to me and then RUN like a mad man over me, fly to Chris, then fly to where Skittles was, basically using us as his bridge to get where he wants. Which is fine, but when I'm about to go out and he's flying everywhere and pooping on me, that's enough. Then comes the incidents on where he's on us but REFUSES to get off, just like a little kid throwing themself on the floor when they don't want to go to school. Kirby will cling onto us and then when we go to use our other hand to scoop him off, he would bolt away and then go somewhere and try to attack.

He will also sit in his cage and glare at us when Skittles comes out to play. She will come out willingly, step on our hand to come visit etc... But Kirby, will act like we are abandoning him and failing to give him the attention he wants. (Of course we're not ignoring him intentionally, he just refuses to come out :p) When we go to offer him a dowel or sleeve to come out, he just gets SO ANGRY like we just rolled in feces and then told him to step up.

It's hard to explain his attitude in typing, but you know when you just KNOW he's changed with his attitude that's all I can say.

If someone were to see the way he acts many would think "HELLLOOOO YOU HAVE A HEN" But he doesn't show nesting signs, no urge to crawl into a tunnel and claim it. Sure he'll "shred" paper, but it'll end up becoming a spit ball and he loses interest within 5 minutes.

It's just his attitude. In result to this, I clipped his wings again, so hopefully that will cure most of his 'tude.

*sigh* once again as I always say:

Who knows with these Lovebirds! :rofl: