View Full Version : eating outside cage

09-24-2007, 05:46 PM
I have a little bowl I put Keikos food in when she is outside the cage but lately I find no matter how close I am to the bowl she will pick her food out of the bowl and sit on me to eat it.even if I go to the other side of the room she will pick up a seed..fly to me and eat it on me.I got this bowl because it had a rim she could sit on but she won't and as I am writing this she is constantly trying to jump on my fingers and get under them.are they usually this needy??

09-24-2007, 05:50 PM
yes they can be that needy :) . Eating is a social activity so it also makes sense that Keiko insists upon eating on top of you as well. dont you just love bird crumbs though?

09-24-2007, 06:16 PM
Ditto says everything tastes better from my hand. :rofl:

09-24-2007, 06:43 PM
yep, zoa and harry and itty bit say/said, 'if it doesn't leave a stain or crumbs on her its not worth it'

09-24-2007, 09:38 PM
I forget what its like not to find crumbs of food in my hair..........

09-24-2007, 10:07 PM
Keiko must love you very much to remain close to you while eating. Thats a very special bond not everyone gets to share with their lovebird. Even their poops can be a sign of taking comfort next to their owner. At least those didn't have a target like the ones that hit your windshield! :D ............Michael and Goofy

09-25-2007, 09:08 AM
Well...if poops are a sign of comfort then Fenway is REALLY comfortable with me! :lol

I swear she poops on me on purpose! If she's investigating something that's not on my person, she will return to me when she has to go. :roll:

Lucky me...I am my bird's personal potty! :x

09-25-2007, 09:14 AM
People want tame birds but are often overwhelmed and surprised at what it really means to have a velcro bird. Keiko have obviously bonded to you and if things stay on course, he/she will likely continue to get closer and more needy. Lovebirds, and most other parrots, bond for life and spend almost every waking hour near their mate. If you have a velcro bird you have a bird that's chosen you as their mate and this means they expect to be with you every waking hour:roll: .

09-25-2007, 11:03 AM
kiwi could spend his entire day near me, on me, with me, talking to me, eating on me, just being with me. he is truly a velcro birdy, as needy as they come, and i don't mind it at all. I know it means he considers me and my family as his flock, and just wants to be around us!

Kiwi always gets his own plate of food in the morning when we eat breakfast together, but he insists on pulling a piece of his plate and flying to my shoulder to enjoy the morsel. It goes back and forth like this until he is done. :)

So the answer to your question - YES!!!!! -they really are this needy!! :rofl: