View Full Version : It's a girl... What do i do now???

09-27-2007, 06:24 AM
Hey guys!
Those of you who've seen some of my other posts will remember that I was quite certain that my baby's a girl.
Now I'm 100% sure. I haven't had her vetted but even a blind man would suspect an x chromosome in her make-up... :omg:

The only problem is that if I want to get another birdie or 2, a communal aviary during the day would be out of the question - she really REALLY wants to mate :blush: ? Or wouldn't it?
What to do? I really don't want to breed with her (for the time being)...

How do I keep her :whistle: at bay, currently I just mist her when she starts, :x it helps if I just pick up the bottle! :lol

Any help would be appreciated a LOT!!! :confused:


09-27-2007, 07:32 AM
What is she trying to mate with? Mating behavior in a single bird is very normal and to be expected. My younger two each chose a birdie buddy as their mate so I have six and can wash them and change them out every other day or so. They masturbate on them and one feeds his constantly. If she is trying to mate on you, and some do, you can either let her or remove her when she attempts to.

09-28-2007, 06:09 PM
Thanks for answering so soon!

Mostly me, but she has yesterday decided that my fiancé is also a very attractive target. It gets a bit embarrassing... :blush:

What is this birdie buddy, perhaps a photo or dexcription? :confused:

I just read in that sticky (sex and the psittacine) that actually letting your birds masturbate can lead to frustration and plucking. That's why I'm so weary of this, can you explain how your birds react and whether they have anything like this? Please, any advice you can give...

Thanks so far!!!

09-28-2007, 07:11 PM
A birdie buddy from what I am aware of.. is one of those little plastic budgies that can sit around the round perches and are weighted at the bottom. So they bob back and forth on the perch.

Hopefully I'm not mistaken and this "birdy buddy" is bought from the XXXrated store for animals HAHAHAHAH :x

09-28-2007, 08:47 PM
I'm not even going there. lol

09-28-2007, 09:00 PM
Gene. I purchased a bird buddy a couple years back so Goof would have something soft and cuddly to warm up to. Of course warm up to he did :blush: . Its was a triangular shaped feltlike material that came in green, blue, and a hand full of other colours that you tied to the cage near according to where your lovie prefered to sleep. Came in two sizes. I kinda think the manufacturers knew about the sexual attraction in advance knowing it would certainly help their sales. I wonder how many humans could resist if they were a bird.....in a cage....and all there is, is a bird buddy! :D . Well...Ahem...Uh, where were we?....Ok. The increase in hormone levels created by excessive stimulation are a very important concern when worrying about behavioral and health problems. Although natural for them to want to take care of their needs, it may be best to help keep it at bay. Females of course need to have nesting materials removed to help suppress hormones and limit aggressive behavior, etc. Especially when you choose not to breed them. Males, being a bit more subdued can still develop undesirable issues but may not appear as affected as their counterparts. Either way I believe there are health and psychological issues that are well worth noting. I don't really know how others feel, but I think some activity is fine, especially when their young, lets say under two years. We just don't need to add to it, and in the event it becomes too prolonged, remove said item of affection. I hope this helps a little...............Michael and Goofy

And please, don't remove your fiance' !!!