View Full Version : Lovebird, toy poodle... do they mix?

09-27-2007, 10:25 AM
I have a toy poodle named Milo who is 2 years old, very playful and curious about his new little sister Luna. I have heard of birds and dogs being okay with one another, have seen pictures of birds riding on dog's backs. My question is... How?:confused: I have had Luna on my shoulder with Milo constantly trying to get close enough to sniff, lick and whatever else he can do to her. I don't think he would intentionally hurt her, but he may want to play with her (which I know would not turn out good at all). For those of you who have introduced your bird to your dog how did you do it? I would just like to live in a world where Luna can flutter around and I am not constantly yelling "NO MILO!" :mad: This world may not exist, but I sure hope it does. :grouphug1

09-27-2007, 10:48 AM
The short answer to your question is


Dogs and birds don't mix.

Dog (and cat) saliva contain an enzyme which is DEADLY to birds. Your dog wouldn't have to even chomp your bird to do it serious harm, or even kill it.

Aside from that, dogs are animals with instincts. Even a mellow dog could, even just in play, snap at your bird and kill it.

For me, the risks involved FAR outweigh any cuteness or "wouldn't it be great if all my pets could get along and play together" factor. We have had many stories on this board of owners who would say "Well my dog/cat is different. He wouldn't even attack the bird" only to have a heartbreaking post some time later informing us that just that had occurred.

Please, please don't let them play together. I promise you'll be happier if you don't. Save yourself that heartache of an accident you could have prevented.

09-27-2007, 10:53 AM
Unfortunately, the friendship you speak of is NOT really a possibility. :cry:

Dogs, cats, & even humans contain bacteria in our saliva that can kill lovies.:omg: (I did not know this until I started coming to this forum)

Not to mention the fact that dogs are predators, and birds are prey...to assume your dog can always restrain these primal instincts would be irresponsible on any owner's part....

Sadly, there are stories posted here that speak to these tragedies that can occur when trusting the combination of canine and avian pets...even the sweetest dog could kill a lovie just playing. And has.

It's just not worth the risk.

You might need to put your doggie in another room when giving Luna the one-on-one attention he needs to avoid anything bad from happening. Especially since Milo is still so young and curious.

09-27-2007, 10:58 AM
I have 2 Corgis (one mine, one I'm fostering). They could care less about my birds.......unless they are flying! Corgis are bred for herding and the flying motion brings out their "herding" instinct. Neither would intentionally hurt my birds. However, instinct will override normal behavior and I'm not about to take that chance!!! Whenever I see photos of birds within touching distance of dogs or supposedly docile cats, I absolutely cringe! It only takes a second for the cat/dog to seriously injure or even kill the bird and there's no undoing it. Death is very, very final.

Bottom line is that dogs/cats are predators. Birds are prey. In my own household, at least, the 2 do not intermix.

Dog saliva also contains Pasturella and that bacteria is very toxic to birds if it gets into their systems.

09-27-2007, 11:10 AM
Becky. Surely right from the start of asking you can understand introducing them would be a mistake by the replies you receive. Contrary to witnessing a few happy moments where bird and cat/dog interact is by far overshadowed by many tragic results. Unfortunately, nobody can show you the horrible results because of how swift this occurs, and the fact that it usually happens only once. Without reading the answers I'll most likely agree with everyone here. Keep them separated!.......Take care.......Michael and Goofy

09-27-2007, 11:21 AM
Okay, I didn't know. I haven't been stupid enough to think that he would immediatly take to the bird and be best friends and they would live happily ever after grooming and laughing at one another's jokes ;). I just thought maybe there was something that I could do to help them coexist. I do normally put Milo in his crate when Luna is out, but he was first in the house and I love him so when he cries because he wants out it pulls on my heartstrings. I won't do it. I will just let it be. Thanks for the advice.

09-27-2007, 02:37 PM
Another thing you could do for Milo is instead of crating him (normally with my Whippet, that's his "bad behaviour" discipline, putting him in his crate) maybe put him in the bathroom with one of those baby gates.

Yes I know that Luna will be able to waddle through the cracks, but it will allow Milo to still be able to see the house and what is going on and not make him feel like he's bad, and this way he can still move around and he can have toys/food etc in there!

09-27-2007, 02:40 PM
Another thing you could do for Milo is instead of crating him (normally with my Whippet, that's his "bad behaviour" discipline, putting him in his crate) maybe put him in the bathroom with one of those baby gates

My mother in law already thought of this, she is the one that got me Luna. We found one at a yard sale, but Milo can climb over it. If I raise it up a little so he can't climb over then he will sqeeze through the bottom. I don't know. I guess I need to look for a taller one. :confused:

09-27-2007, 02:46 PM
My mother in law already thought of this, she is the one that got me Luna. We found one at a yard sale, but Milo can climb over it. If I raise it up a little so he can't climb over then he will sqeeze through the bottom. I don't know. I guess I need to look for a taller one. :confused:

I've actually used two on top of one another before...:roll:

hey, it works! :)

09-27-2007, 03:02 PM
I've actually used two on top of one another before...:roll:

hey, it works! :)

Great idea! I will try it!:clap

09-27-2007, 06:59 PM
There's also the idea of Cardboard boxes...

But that might provoke Luna (should she ever be wandering onthe floor alone) to go shred the cardboard :p

Pips mom
09-28-2007, 12:22 PM
When I got Pip from his previous owner, he had a couple of dogs and had posted pics of pip on the dog and said that he loves dogs! Well, we had a dog, and our dog got along just fine with our birds, and pip used to ride around on his back all the time-----unfortunately the dog was old and we recently had to get him put to sleep because of seizures. He was a black lab, supposed to be a "bird dog" I guess because he was old, he just never even acknowledged the birds----the only thing that would catch him interest was food! I totally felt that my birds were safe with this dog, but until I knew for sure, I was very careful. Pip does seem to love dogs for some reason! We want to get another dog eventually, but I am afraid now because pip will want to be his friend and ride around on him!
I am very aware of the dangers, and would NEVER have a cat with birds-----would never trust a cat even it seems good with the bird----but the dog we had showed no interest whatsoever in the birds----he was aware of their presence I could tell, but he was a good dog, and I know he would never have hurt my birds, a person, or any other animal. He was just a gently giant, and we miss him----I think pip does too.

09-28-2007, 12:36 PM
Chelsea, my angel, is going to be 16 in January. She is part deaf and not really quick anymore. :p

When I brought Fenway into the picture, she was curious, sniffed the cage and wanted to sniff the bird. The first time I clipped Fenway's wings she went right down to the floor, and Chelsea went over, sniffed the bird and stepped aside so I could pick fenway up. Thank god!:omg: Apparently lovies don't smell good enough to snack on...plus Chelsea knew by then that mom was very protective of whatever that winged thing was. :roll:

Ever since then, the only time Chelsea shows any interest in Fenway is when I am feeding her fresh veggies, of course.:lol Now the rule is if I am feeding fresh vegetables to the bird, the dog gets some too. ;) That way there is no jealousy between them and all the species can coexist happily.

09-28-2007, 01:10 PM
-----unfortunately the dog was old and we recently had to get him put to sleep because of seizures.

I'm sorry for your loss. My family has labs and they are the sweetest dogs and would never hurt anyone. I don't think Milo would be that good. The other day Luna was startled and fluttered to the ground and Milo(my poodle) immediatly went after her. He tried to catch her with his paw. :eek: Luckly I grabbed him before he grabbed her. I no longer allow him to be in the same room when she is out. :( Unfortunately it looks as though one of them will always feel neglected while the other is being played with. :cry:

09-28-2007, 02:46 PM
I am very aware of the dangers, and would NEVER have a cat with birds-----would never trust a cat even it seems good with the bird----but the dog we had showed no interest whatsoever in the birds----he was aware of their presence I could tell, but he was a good dog, and I know he would never have hurt my birds, a person, or any other animal. He was just a gently giant, and we miss him----I think pip does too.

Hey now!! :p My old cat Tosca was a bird cat and he would actually protect them from our whippet who would like to continually bounce on anything he found that he wanted to play with.
When we had our budgies, we couldn't find my bird at the time Mokie. All of a sudden we heard our dog bark (He's a couch potatoe and NEVER barks), hissing, cheeping the whole nine yards. I saw the dog, bouncing on the cat and more cheeping. So I pulled the dog off the cat, and then picked up my cat, who was actually lying on top of one of those hollow balls with the dingly toy in it, and in it, was Mokie. Tosca was trying to protect her from Zipper (dog)
There was another incident where Mokie and Tosca were together when we came back from a movie. Mokie was nestled in his front paws all snuggled and sleeping and Tosca was watching over her.

Everything is possible i think!

09-28-2007, 03:36 PM
Aren't animals just amazing? They are all different and you just can't predict what will happen. That is a cute story about the cat and the bird! :clap:

Pips mom
09-29-2007, 10:11 AM
Was the cat old?? seems like older cats and dogs just don't want to be bothered-----most anyway. The thing is----I want to get another dog someday, but not an old one----will try for one that is not a puppy though, but still, Pip will want to be this dogs friend-----he LOVES dogs! weird bird! he did take it slow though when he first came here with our lab, but I'm still worried if we get another dog someday-----pip is out of cage at all times when we are home-----he is NOT happy when he has to stay in the cage! but he does seem to realize that we go out at times and doesn't mind staying in too much as long as he has had his "out" time---he knows the routine and knows when we're home that he should be out and has a fit if we don't let him out right away!
Yes, labs are great dogs----very sweet and gentle and friendly----not a good watchdog most times because they are too friendly! funny they say they are bird dogs and ours did so well with the birds----we used to laugh about that and say he really is a "bird dog"!
Here is a pic of ernie and Pip

09-29-2007, 11:43 AM
I think it's very important for everyone to keep in mind that in the blink of an eye, a dog or cat could kill a lovebird. Some dogs and cats will do fine with a bird in the house and others will not. Unfortunately, some that you think are OK with your bird can change their mind (for whatever reason) and then it's too late.

I do have a dog (13 1/2 old Sheltie) who pays absolutely no attention to my birds. She never has but if something happens, that will be my fault for assuming that she would never get near one of my birds.

There is always a risk when you allow a cat or dog around your birds.