View Full Version : Temporary separation

Buy A Paper Doll
09-28-2007, 09:14 PM
I've been working 11-13 hour days for the past 2 weeks. Plus, Melody is a raging b*tch and has been chasing Milo a lot lately. Now Milo has picked a large chunk of his bib and chest bald. Coincidence? I think not. :(

Yes, his daddy is home and gives him attention but it's just not the same.

Melody was being absolutely horrible to him tonight; she was chasing him relentlessly and he kept climbing around the cage trying to get away from her, and shaking.

I gave him a tiny bit of Benadryl (as directed by his vet to help him calm down) and held him for a while. And of course Melody cried for him the whole time.

They're in separate cages right now, pushed together and covered with one blanket so they can see and hear each other, but Milo can hopefully get some peace. I hate separating them because they cry, but I am concerned for Milo's safety right now.

To make matters worse, hubby and I will be going out of town next weekend.

The dog will be staying with relatives, but the birds will stay at the house with someone checking on them twice a day. My reasoning was that the dog would be better off in strange surroundings, but with constant companionship, and the birds would prefer familiar surroundings but less companionship. Of course, now that I'm looking at a bald lovebird, I'm questioning that decision...

Any thoughts? Milo doesn't do well in the car so I try to avoid transporting him anywhere unless I have no other choice. None of my neighbors are in a position to care for him (other pets, kids, etc). Help!!

09-28-2007, 09:51 PM
It seems like you are taking care of everyone, don't forget to take care of yourself.:)

Have a nice weekend.

Buy A Paper Doll
09-29-2007, 10:48 AM
Well, the little devils are back together now: preening, snuggling, sharing their food nicely.

Amazing what a difference a night apart makes.

09-29-2007, 08:40 PM
absence makes the heart grow fonder? What a character Melody is... poor Milo, he can't live with her nor without her.
i think your plan seems sound, once the person who is responsible for checking on them is reliable and dependable. I think i would have done the same thing also.

09-29-2007, 09:33 PM
Dumb question from Michael. Do you think it wll be necessary to keep them separated for the weekend? I guess I wonder just how well some lovie mates get along, even through the nesting/hormonal stages. What about separate rooms? Think Milo would continue to pluck? You know...I think we need bird nanny's! There's been times I've been gone for 10 hours and worried myself to go all the way home to check on Goof in the middle of a job. Good thing I work for myself. I'd have been fired a long time ago! .....Hope you find a comfortable solution..............Michael and Goofy

09-30-2007, 11:31 AM
I also can't spend a day away without worry, though it is rare that I spend a day away. One day I'll want a vacation, and that freaks me out birds aren't as easy to find good sitter's for as dogs, fish, horses ect,.
As for the soultion to the problem, mabey a few night's appart before you go will calm them down while your gone? Good luck.

Buy A Paper Doll
09-30-2007, 07:16 PM
Dumb question from Michael. Do you think it wll be necessary to keep them separated for the weekend? I guess I wonder just how well some lovie mates get along, even through the nesting/hormonal stages. What about separate rooms? Think Milo would continue to pluck? You know...I think we need bird nanny's! There's been times I've been gone for 10 hours and worried myself to go all the way home to check on Goof in the middle of a job. Good thing I work for myself. I'd have been fired a long time ago! .....Hope you find a comfortable solution..............Michael and Goofy

You know what? Milo did have a nanny when he was a baby. I was worried about him being alone for so long, so I had my niece come over to the house and hang out with him in the afternoons. When Melody moved in, I wasn't as worried about him being alone.

I have found that when Melly is this nasty - I mean nesty - they're best off in side by side cages. They need to be able to see each other, or they'll make crazy loud contact calls all day. :x

10-01-2007, 09:22 AM
Hey Jen,

I have to do the samethings you are doing with Daise & Olivia. Olivia can get soooooo ugly with Daise and I have to separate them. I wish I had access to a birdie-psychic. Right now they are fine cause Olivia is laying eggs, but just before her nesting, she would chase him relentlessly. I sometimes fear for Daise's safety like you do with Milo. Funny how they become all lovey-dovey after the separation :rolleyes:

10-01-2007, 11:16 AM
I am experiencing similar problems with my two lovies. It's scary at times. We keep separting them when it seems to get really bad. But the problem is that they can't live without each other and they can't live with each other :confused:

10-01-2007, 12:42 PM
I hear EVERYONE with the chasing and being a snot.

Skittles is the same way. I tried having them together and Skittles would take over EVERYTHING in Kirby's cage. Kirby just wants to be with her and just groom and love her. But NOOOOOOO Skittles will attack his feet and kick him out of his sleeping spot, even on their play gym she's a cow to him.

For the sake of Chris and I's sleep, they are separated when we're not home and sleeping (They wake up at insane hours arguing about who gets the corner for snoozing) as well as Kirby's stress level.

Buy A Paper Doll
10-01-2007, 08:56 PM
Yep. Overnight separation wasn't enough; Milo's plucked 75% of his chest and belly bald again. :(

I had hubby pull the spare cage down out of the attic last night and I scrubbed it down. First thing in the morning, birdies are going in side-by-side cages.

10-01-2007, 09:24 PM
Boo does the same thing to sunshine but only for short periods of time an hour or so.
I guess hens will be hens lol.

10-02-2007, 11:50 AM
Oh no!!!

Poor Milo... I definitely think it would be wise to get him out of that living situation ASAP!

It's so hard watching something like that happen, especially when you know Milo just wants to love Mel and she just doesn't return it.

Buy A Paper Doll
10-02-2007, 07:41 PM
Yep, they're in separate cages during the day, with supervised out of cage play time together. They do OK at night together, so they're sleeping in the same cage now.

He seemed to be MUCH happier to hang out in a separate cage this morning. Hubby put them to bed before I got home from work; he reports less feathers on the floor around the cage than yesterday, which means he's slowing down if nothing else.

I hate plucking. I really, really hate plucking.

10-02-2007, 09:19 PM
Poor Milo :very_sad: I do hope things settle down for him soon or you'll be asking Shy to knit a birdie-sweater for the winter :whistle:

10-02-2007, 09:33 PM
poor sweet Milo- boy!!!
I hope this living arrangement works out better:(

10-03-2007, 05:13 PM
How is milo? Is he settling down on the plucking? I hope it all works out and Milo doesn't need a birdie sweater for the winter.(althought that would be pretty cute lol)

10-03-2007, 09:28 PM
Maybe Milo should get his own clutch of eggs for that broad patch he's been working on :) ....Best wishes for him!.......Michael and Goofy

10-04-2007, 01:49 PM
Sounds like Milo might need one of those infamous "birdy buddies" ;)

10-08-2007, 10:43 AM
I hate plucking. I really, really hate plucking.

I'm right there with you on that one. I had to put Greenie back in his collar cause he had plucked himself so scabby I was afraid he was going to bleed to death. We just did the whole vet thing again and it did no good. He's got a clean bill of health:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: .

Buy A Paper Doll
10-09-2007, 08:59 PM
They spent the entire weekend in separate cages, day and night, except for a couple of hours in the mornings and evenings when their birdysitter came over to let them play.

I returned to find Milo only slightly less bald than he was before I left. And a whole lot of pinfeathers growing in. So I will keep holding my breath, and see if he decides to let them grow in this time.

10-09-2007, 09:08 PM
Glad to hear Milo is beginning to let the pinfeathers grow back. I'll hope for the best too. I know you hate to separate them, but as you can see, it's for the best at the moment. I hate doing this to Olivia & Daise. Keep us updated. :)