View Full Version : Talking lovie?

09-29-2007, 02:27 AM
I was wondering if any of you have a lovie that can talk?
My friend has a peachface lutino called Indi after the Indian Pacific train(she was reared from a few days old and had to be taken on the Indian Pacific across Australia from coast to coast (Perth to Sydney and back) while a few weeks old, as my friend had no one to hand feed from such a young age.
Indi says kiss a kiss - who's a sweetie - and a repeats a sound like tut tut tut when asked.
I am curious to know as they are not known talkers.
Kali and Sam

09-29-2007, 08:30 AM
Kali, I've heard a few people say that their lovebirds could say "half" of peek-a-boo and I had to laugh since all lovies say "peek!" :lol While it is uncommon for them to talk, I've seen a few videos (here) and there is no doubt that the lovies were not only talking but saying more than one word at a time. And, you could understand what they were saying! It is more common in hens, so I've read.

I have three and two of them do say one word that I know to be "Swing!" Every time I offer to twirl/swing them on their leather strip, I always say, "Swing?" first and after a year or two of that, they always say that word back to me. If I walk into their room and say, "Big Boi, wanna swing?" he goes to the leather strip, says the word and waits for me to swing him. :D When they climb into their cozies at night, I give them a little swing then, pushing their cozies back and forth, and both come back to me with that one word...."Swing!"

09-29-2007, 10:14 AM
One of my sister's 2 lovies says "pretty bird" all the time, plain as day

I almost fell over when I heard it, I thought it was her cockatiel but all he says is "pretty Fred "(his name).


09-29-2007, 04:21 PM
Celestino does mimic whistles and I sometimes wonder if he's trying to say something. It's almost like he just can't pronounce what he wants to say. We don't try to train him though and just hope that if he ever does say anything it's acceptable in public.

BTW, I have nine starlings all of whom should talk. None of them have ever tried to speak english. Instead they try and teach me to be a starling with very poor results:rotfl

09-29-2007, 05:11 PM
BTW, I have nine starlings all of whom should talk. None of them have ever tried to speak english. Instead they try and teach me to be a starling with very poor results:rotfl

Ditto has been trying to teach me to speak lovebird for almost 4 years now. :rofl:

10-01-2007, 01:35 PM
Button, my hen, laughs. It's quite clear that she's doing an evil laugh. It's so funny. :) No talking yet, though.

10-01-2007, 01:37 PM
I swear Dracula says pretty bird. He also mimics when I whistle and call him.


10-01-2007, 02:48 PM
I know Skittles has very good mimics which she tries SO HARD to catch all the syllables in what I say.

The both of them have taken to saying: "HI HI" in a birdy-voice when we walk in the room. We always greet them when we come in the room after work by saying HI HI and one day they started saying it back to us.
Kirby also knows when he's about to be covered for bedtime, he will start yawning when I ask if he's ready to go sleepies. I know it might be co-incidence, but he does it EVERY time :)

10-01-2007, 02:53 PM
I've been taught Lovebird-ese, so there's no need for them to learn english in my house. ;)

My question is how do I stop my Macaw from talking? :rotfl :rotfl She jabbers from morning til night.

10-01-2007, 02:56 PM
lol I swear talking for a macaw or other large parrot is like us whistling an addicting song.
We do it because we like the beat, lyrics etc...

I think the macaws/lovies love something they hear, and they just like doing it.. so they KEEP doing it :x.

10-01-2007, 03:21 PM
My question is how do I stop my Macaw from talking? :rotfl :rotfl She jabbers from morning til night.Can't help you there. Bosco talks all the time! His lastest is "Peek-a-boo" & "Come here". I take it the jabbering is linked to a new word he's about to bestow on us. Wonder what it could be? (I'm afraid to ask")