View Full Version : new lovebird??

09-30-2007, 02:38 AM
My Keiko is about three months old now and seems to want my undivided attention at ALL times. I was wondering if I should get her a companion lovebird?
Will she bond with it and hate me? I have heard they are territorial and she might attack and kill it?
I have also heard that she will still be bonded to me but the new one won't? I have read so many books and they all say different things.:confused:

09-30-2007, 09:02 AM
One of the reasons you've read so many different things, is so many different things can happen. There are no guarantee's or definite answers. One thing you should consider is whether you have time for two birds in the event they don't get along. Which could mean less time for the one you have now. I think poeple have a tendency to spend too much time with their lovies when they first bring them home, only later to realize they don't always have sufficient time, or the novelty wears off a little leaving your bird to expect the same time now that you spent when you first got it. Personally, I think two birds are better than one, but then there are many members here who have an excellent relationship with only one lovebird. Myself included, even though I initially wanted more. The choice to add a second lovebird should be made in regards to giving it love and care for the rest of its life, just like the first one, and maybe not so much as a companion for a lonely bird. Please don't think I'm trying to discourage you. Its just at times our good intentions don't always work out as planned. Give your decision plenty of thought.:) ................Michael and Goofy lovebird