View Full Version : lovie mating with toy???

Pips mom
09-30-2007, 05:44 PM
Pip looked like he was trying to hump his toy and looked very similar to what I see when my male tiel mates. He was on a rope type toy. Am I right? is this what he was doing?? and is this proof that I have a male?? This is the first time I have seen this behavior with him and he is just about a year old.

09-30-2007, 05:48 PM
My male LOVES the knotted end on his bouncy rope perch...loves it...even when he's got a female to hump. He was on that thing five, six times a day for a while. I'd hear that little bell on the end ring and just roll my eyes.

As for being sure it means he's a male, I am not qualified to answer that with assurance like the more experienced people here. :)

09-30-2007, 05:56 PM
Oh boy- I wish it were that easy...
Nope, no way to tell by "humping". Both males and females do it. :blush:

Buy A Paper Doll
09-30-2007, 07:19 PM
Flapjack's right. Some female birds do hump their toys, too.

09-30-2007, 09:44 PM
To reinforce everyone's point
right now my teensy female dog Bitsy is humping my other female dog Zelda in the front yard.
Gender? What gender?!

Pips mom
09-30-2007, 09:53 PM
Oh my gosh, this rope toy has a knot in it too and and this is where he was on top of it! I got the toy out of a bucket of toys I have and it's just a big rope type thing----I put it on top of the cage and have to put things on there that won't fall through and this one was big enough to not fall through.
So far, pips former owner said they had reason to suspect he was a boy, plus all of his behaviors seem to point to being a boy---when I hear things like hens are more bitey and pip does not bite----plus pip is always happy, never seems to get mad or upset----oh, unless we are home and he's still in his cage! lol He wants to be out every minute of the day----cages are only for sleeping in! I wish I knew for sure he was a boy! I will not dna test because I just don't think it's ok to put him through that just for my benefit. With my tiels it was so easy to tell they were male or female just by their behavior----wish lovies were the same! :confused: