View Full Version : There's been a rash of wing clippins'

07-08-2005, 11:17 AM
Well I have 17 lovies and it seems as if they all like to grow in new flight feathers at the same time. My husband used to do all the wing clippin' but I've been practicing and now feel I am better at it than him. I've put my new found skill to the test of late as he's not wanted to clip the birds' wings and wants them to fly around. Not clippin' wings is crazy makin' in so many different ways I won't even start the list of thngs that can and do go wrong :omg:.

I haven't clipped everyone's wings as Zim and Squeak are always and will always remain flighted. I'm still leary of clipping Crusty's wings ever since he broke his femur as a youngster, and Chewbirdy is just so insane (in a good way) I don't want him to change in any way right now. But clipping the other 13 has brought a little piece to my world :D.

Buy A Paper Doll
07-08-2005, 11:32 AM
Glad to hear you were able to get them birdies under control! :lol I only have the 2 birds, both clipped, and it is still chaos in my house!

Milo has 8 flights clipped on each side, and he can fly straight up about 3 feet, the little devil.

07-08-2005, 12:06 PM

Clipping 13 at one time????? You are gonna have to sharpen up those scissors :rofl:

Seriously, I bet there is some serious poutin going on at your house bout now :( . Always better safe than sorry though, and I could only imagine that many zipping around at one time :eek:

07-08-2005, 12:24 PM
Oooh, 13 very grumpy lovebirds in Hawaii. :omg: You're right, it was necessary for sanity. Well done!

07-08-2005, 12:26 PM
I told Blu that you clipped 13 little lovie's wings. He is not impressed with you :( . He says to tell your babies he knows how they feel. And don't worry, they will grow back.


P.S.: from me: Good job! :D But don't tell Blu i say that

07-08-2005, 02:02 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
That is funny, I just yesterday caught all my 13 lovies, one by one, to do a little trim...they were getting pretty brave...Rain can fly anywhere with all his primaries lcipped and he just wouldnt stop showing off. I hung all kinds of toys, perches and climbing stuff above the cages and they decided it was more fun to fly back and forth from the ceiling fan (always off, off course). Then Rain started doing laps aroundthe house and even upstairs...taking Malibu with him. I really enjoyed all the flying, but it was getting to be a headache getting the less tame lovies back to their cages when I had to go out and I was really worried about them flying into the kitchen.
So one by one, and without too many bites (jsut two, I am gettign good at this...), I took 'em all down a peg or two. Boy was it quiet after that... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

people always tell me I should just cage of the whole dinig room so they can fly free...it is tempting!!!


Joanie Noel
07-08-2005, 02:39 PM
Ahhhh I'm so jealous of you people that can clip your birds' wings on your own. I haven't even attempted because I'm scared I'll totally screw up. Plus, I get nervous when I spread a lovie's wing and he/she screeches (even if I'm not causing pain). I can only clip nails, and that takes me forever. >o Guess things will stay as they are right now. :rolleyes:

~ Joanie

07-08-2005, 03:07 PM
Well Joanie your one up on me because I REFUSE to clip any birdy nails. I only did it once years ago. I clipped Zimbers nails and I cut one of them too short and it bled a litte. I got all hot and light-headed at the thougth of causing Zim any pain, and then after that he kept slipping off my shoulder :rofl:.

Traci: It sounds like our lovie flock have a lot in common. Flying to ceiling fans, up stairways, refusing to be caught so we humans can go about our lives: I wouldn't have it any other way :rofl:

07-08-2005, 06:34 PM
I guess I'm lucky with Ditto. He hasn't been clipped in about a year and a half, and hasn't given me any problems yet. Heck I want him to fly more but he's content just haging out with me. 8)

It is kind of nice not having him clipped though, he can easily fly back to the cage for a snack so I don't have to get up and take him there. :rofl: