View Full Version : Different species?

10-02-2007, 07:16 PM
There are two species of birds I am considering. A Caique (if I can find a local baby) or a sun conure.
I know there are some of you who have more than one species of fid.
I would really be interested in your experiences with regard to their interaction, jealousy, out of cage time, housing, etc.
I want to make sure I make informed decisions when it comes to both of their emotional needs and mommy time.

10-03-2007, 04:41 AM
I adore caiques to no end but it would be the last specie that I get. Caiques are teritorial and will kill other birds in the same house to defend their territory. They are very agressive towards other birds. You may want to do a little bit of research on their caracter before getting one. I know, they are little clowns and so comical :)

10-03-2007, 09:18 AM
I adore caiques to no end but it would be the last specie that I get. Caiques are teritorial and will kill other birds in the same house to defend their territory. They are very agressive towards other birds. You may want to do a little bit of research on their caracter before getting one. I know, they are little clowns and so comical :)

Jena, this is exactly what I've read and heard about Caiques. Better in a one bird home.

10-03-2007, 11:56 AM
*does a cheer* SUN CONURE SUN CONURE!!!!

They are GORGEOUS birds and if I could find one I would get one!

10-03-2007, 05:03 PM
I've read that caiques have comparable behaviors to lorikeets. If that's any true, my lorikeet is proven to be one heck of an act. She's just awesome and doesn't mind lovebirds too much. If anything, she's perfectly impersonated their sound along with the cockatiel she used to live with. Sun conures also have a colorful personality. Maybe you should consider seeing a choice of these birds as birds tend to choose their owners:D.

10-03-2007, 05:30 PM
I think the best thing to do is to do your research and get the best bird for you. I always advocate for rescues or second hand birds. There are a ton of adult birds that need homes and while some have issues, there are those that are happy and healthy. Not only that, but with adults birds it's more of a what you see is what you get. The older the bird the less harmonal changes you have to deal with.

For me, Sun Conures are too loud! Caiques are supposed to be fun but they require a lot of space, toys and attention. They have like a 1000 more times the energy of a lovebird, which is ALOT:rolleyes: . My advise would be to look around for a great second hand bird you connect with and don't focus on species. A lot of people selling birds will let you meet them to see if you connect.

Good Luck

10-03-2007, 05:51 PM
Sunnies are BEAUTIFUL birds; very playful and energetic... but they are LOUD. One of the nicer pet stores by me often has sun conures available. You can hear them from across the parking lot with the door to the store closed. They aren't the loudest parrots out there but for some, their shrill cry is more bothersome than the actual volume of the noise.

Caiques are really neat parrots. EXTREMELY energetic. An on-line aquaintence of mine has a caique forum so I'll try to get the link for you.

10-03-2007, 06:53 PM
Thank you all for your helpful responses :)
What I'm really interested about is hearing how you deal with out of cage time. For instance, do any species get along if out at the same time as lovebirds, or, if not, does one get really jealous if it sees the other out with you? Do they do well if caged in the same room, or should they have their own space?
One of you mentioned that a caique would kill another bird in the house to protect it's own territory. Would they actually attack the cage and try to get in, or only if Jack was out?
I LOVE my Flapjack, but I really do want a little bit larger bird. Also, I think I'm somewhat prejudiced... I don't find the nostril holes and the big bump on the beak of some birds very attractive at all. And I do like black beaks. I admit it sounds petty...
Adoption is a great way to go, I agree. How do you know the people are telling you the true age of the bird? Or if it has behavior problems that aren't apparent when you first meet it, since it's more shy at first. I would be very happy to give an unwanted bird a good home, but Jack was here first, and he's my number one priority. (Along with the humans and dog in the house)
I'm not rushing into anything, I didn't realize how much I adore birds until Jack came along :blush:

10-04-2007, 08:28 AM
Jeni: To be honest there is no way to tell if two birds of the same or different species will get along or not. A lot of it has to do with personality. For instance, I have two Meyer's parrots. Cookie is a rescue who's name should be trouble. He loves us but is untoucheable and very confrontational and loves to chew on the house and generally irritate us to get attention. However, Cookie is indifferent to other birds and I've seen countless times when my lovebirds and parakeets have comforteable slept two inches from him and he's harmless. Koa is our second hand Meyer's who is the sweetest cuddly non bitey little thing. He has the cutest butt and eyes. Unlike Cookie, Koa is a terror with the other birds and we do everything we can to keep him away. He will plot out an attack on our lovebirds and parakeets and will hurt them when given half a chance, and we've witnessed him being very mean to the other birds.

Now Mijo, my grey, hates the lovebirds because they fly around fast and he gets uncomfortable and tries to bite at them. Bumpy, our Alexandrine doesn't like the lovebirds either but doesn't really attack them. She just gets mad and her eyes pin.

Any bird you get whether a second hand bird or a baby has a certain amount of unpredicability. We were lucky with Koa when we got him but he was sweet from the get go and the woman we got him from seemed honest and only wanted the best for him. My advice is to look around with private people selling their birds as well as networking with some local bird clubs or people to see what's going on with them. I do know the Avian Medical Center does some rescue work and has larger parrots. They get them for different reasons and work with them while they're boarded there. They also recommend the Rose City Exotic Bird Club as they do some good rescue work. I also know a woman in Albany who does a lot of rescue and my dealings with her have been good and I'd recomend speaking with her. And, while there some of the people on Craig's list do lie and cheat, there are some really good owners wanting great homes for their parrots. A lot of these ads may charge more but they are very clear about their parrots behavior and what they are looking for in a home.

WHew! Hope all this helps :D

10-04-2007, 12:17 PM
Thanks, Laura :)
I do know about Kim... are you going to the mtg in Or City? I am thinking about it.
When you have your birds out one at a time, do the others get jealous when they see them with you?

10-04-2007, 02:57 PM
Thanks, Laura :)
I do know about Kim... are you going to the mtg in Or City? I am thinking about it.
When you have your birds out one at a time, do the others get jealous when they see them with you?

No on the 15th, though two of my lovies are in foster care with her and I will be picking them up that day. I have no time for fun
working full time, having practicum and in grad school. In fact, I don't even know how I'm going to make it to OC to pick up the birds.

The lovebirds don't really get jealous cause they all have mates and are in a flock of their own. Mijo is jealous of our lovebird Zimber cause he gets the most attention. Zimber is our first bird and has been with us over seven years so he's top of the totem pole. The only other one who gets jealous is Cookie. He hates when we give Koa attention, but the most he does is fly over and put himself in the middle of things. Early on, Zimber would get jealous of new birds cause he was with us alone for so long. He would always bite the other lovebird's feet but got used to them over time.


10-14-2007, 10:57 PM
It's so funny that I posted this question on the 4th, planning to SOMEDAY bring another bird into the house, and two days later, Chino came into my life. :blush:
He's still in quarantine, but sometimes the two hear each other and chirp back and forth. I can't wait to introduce them. :)
When quarantine is over, should I EVER let them out together? If so, do I just dive in and try it out right away, while the shock of seeing each other is a distraction, or do I put Chino's cage in the room and let them get used to seeing one another for a while first, and hope in the meantime they don't decide they don't like each other?

10-15-2007, 03:03 AM
I would not let them out together for a while after quarantine is up. Maybe let one out to explore while the other can see them safely from the cage. Then switch who is out. See how they react that way. Then if they see OK you can try them both out at same time. Just be ready to intervene.
