View Full Version : My crying bird. AHHH

Joanie Noel
07-08-2005, 05:23 PM
Okay, someone please help me. I feel like I'm taking care of a week-old baby, only I think a baby's cry is less frustrating. :( Every time Squeaks and Aruba are in their cozy cave cuddled up to nap, Aruba just starts CRYING. It sounds like the lovebird equivalent of, "Waaaaaa! WAAAAAA!" She'll close her eyes and do it nonstop. She'll hang her head out over the edge of the cozy cave and just WAIL. When I first noticed this behavior a few days ago, I went to make sure she was okay because of how bad she sounds! But everything is fine, she's not being hurt by Squeaks or anything else. I'm starting to think that I've been blaming the wrong bird for waking me up every morning, too. I haven't been "allowed" to sleep in past 7:00am in weeks... Feels longer than that. I just hear loud piercing squawks from one bird every morning, although I think it's still probably Squeaks. I use earplugs a lot, but I'm not surprised that they don't even manage to block out most of my birds' noises. :cry: I can handle normal lovebird sounds, but this wailing bird stuff is killing me. I don't know why she does it just around naptimes? Anyone's opinion is GREATLY APPRECIATED!

~ Joanie

07-08-2005, 06:46 PM
Hi Joanie;

It's normal for some animals to get very vocal when they are falling into a drowsy kind of sleep. It seems especially true for younger birds. Sam and Didjit go through a whole series of cheeps and twordles that can get very loud during their afternoon naptime, but they don't make the same calls at night. Even dogs and cats can get very loud when they are coming out of anesthesia, as documented by the wonderful James Herriot!

The only thing I can think of that might offer some change in her volume is if you were to close window shades and generally dim the room at nap time. It might help her get into a deeper sleep and be less vocal.

As for the morning stuff, you're lucky to get sleep 'til 7. :) The old saying about getting up with the birds came from reality.

Best wishes,

07-08-2005, 06:50 PM

Lacey will do this same thing, but in her case she wants Mama to bring her a "drink,drink". I'm afraid I have spoiled them, as I always hold the water dish up for them to get a drink when I put them "Night, Night" :rolleyes:

Might be something to try. When she goes in her cozy, offer a little water before beddy-by-time :)

Buy A Paper Doll
07-08-2005, 07:20 PM
When Melody was a baby she would chatter to herself NONSTOP. :x Now she goes through phases where she makes this horrible croaking/squawking noise for hours at a time; you'd think someone was gnawing her feet off.

If it matters, mine start screeching before 7, too. :x They let me sleep until 8 o'clock once .... correction, I was soooo tired that I didn't hear them until 8 o'clock.

Joanie Noel
07-08-2005, 08:20 PM
:rofl: Lori actually holds the water dish up for her birds to drink before bedtime? :rofl: (No shame, no shame.) :wink:

It's good to know that my little hen isn't abnormal with the squawking. It still sucks that I have to endure it for however long it continues! :eek:

~Thanks, ladies.~

07-08-2005, 08:52 PM

I bet there are other people who give their little ones a little sippy before nighty-night. Right???? There is nothing cuter than those little ones hanging out the end of their cozy for their drink-drink :)

Buy A Paper Doll
07-08-2005, 09:28 PM
Uh, no thanks. If you were to hold anything up in front of Melody when she's in her cozy, you'd come back with bloody stumps where your fingers were. :eek:

07-09-2005, 08:43 PM
Yes, I give Molly & Daisy a drink before bed every night. Molly even gets her "blankie" to sleep on and Daisy sleeps in her pavillion. They get a fresh "drink" first thing in the morning and then it's off to play.

Lori, It's ok. I understand and I bet there are other who do this too :D

07-09-2005, 11:08 PM
I haven't been "allowed" to sleep in past 7:00am in weeks

Spare a thought for me, my birds usually wake at 4:30am :roll: The only time i get to sleep in is during Winter when they don't wake up till around 5:30am, but don't worry, after 3 years, i've almost gotten used to it :rofl:

07-10-2005, 11:33 AM
I must be a minority... my birds and I usually get awake together around 6:30am or 7:00am. I guess I've gotten to the age that I don't sleep in much, no matter when I go to bed at night. I leave my window blinds open so the sun wakes us all up.

Lori, drink-drink? When the boys go to bed, they just want to be left alone to sleep in their cozy together. Peepo might want to pop out for a night-kiss, but that's as much for me!