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10-06-2007, 03:14 PM
Hello again, lee has made huge strides. I moved him into a apartment with my friends until the construction is done, insulation can't be good, he is much happier. He has mastered step up, and now when I tap my shoulder he comes running over from pretty much any where in the room and will try to jump up on it. My question is lee seems to go to the bathroom about every 10 minutes, I am wondering if this is normal? Could it be because he is still on pellets? Also he is full of energy and unless he is on my shoulder he yells and yells. The cutesiest thing has been when I brought him to class the teacher would talk and when she paused lee would answer. Lucky that the teacher loved him and he sat on her shoulder for most of the class. Also he seems to be very standoffish towards my girlfriend. Is this normal for lovebirds?

Andrew Barnes

10-06-2007, 03:31 PM
Hi Andrew,
Eliminating every 10-20 minutes is not unusual, at least not in my experience. Could be because of his high energy level, he processes his food a bit faster. Just be thankful he's not a macaw!!! :lol If you pay attention to his body language, you should be able to tell when he's going to poop and you may be able to train him to go on a piece of paper or over a receptacle of some kind. A wicker basket with a handle is the first thing that comes to my mind....

If you are his chosen person, he probably will be standoffish towards others who are around you. You may even find that he's protective of you. You are, in his mind, the mate and he will treat you as such.

Sounds like you've made really good progress with him! Good job!

10-06-2007, 04:53 PM
Before we go out we tell boo and sunshine "push push" and they have learned thats the command to poo.
It actually took me less time to potty train my lovies then it did to train my daughter the same thing lol

10-06-2007, 05:30 PM
Hello Andrew. I have a single male lovie that goes fairly frequent too, especially after a bath. He will usually drink a bit of water before hopping into his birdy bath, so I expect two or three within 10 minutes :roll: . Birdy enema! Most the time every 10-15 minutes is the norm for him and sometimes a little longer if he's roosting on my shoulder. Of course you wouldn't know it if you've seen the back of my shirt sometimes. Thankfully they don't stink and dry out to where you can vacuum up the ones you missed :) . You know, your girlfriend may simply pose the greatest threat to you and himself because in his eye's she just gets a little to close and won't go away. If he doesn't mind most other poeple but focuses his aggression towards her, that just may be the case. My lovie Goofy pretty well got over those issues with my wife, but I know others that had to make room so dear lovie can remain in between. He may still though learn to accept her, or even decide he likes her more :nyah: depending on how much time they spend together. Anyways, sounds like everything going great. And good to hear you've taken measures to keep him away from the construction....Thumbs up to you!....Say..have you slipped in any beak rubs or scritches yet?.........Take care Michael and Goofy lovebird

10-06-2007, 06:07 PM
Thanks for the advice, yep he has a beak run and plenty of toys