View Full Version : clipped wings

10-06-2007, 11:20 PM
Hi everyone. Flappuccino (Chino) is settling in quite nicely. In fact, now he's wanting to explore. I didn't ask the breeder how long ago she clipped his wings, but he still keeps trying to fly. He doesn't just fall straight to the floor, but he has no directional control, so he's bumped into a door and a wall and then lands with a plop. I'm afraid he's going to hurt himself. I try not to let him fly, but sometimes he doesn't give any warning. Do they at some point give up and realize they can't fly?

10-06-2007, 11:42 PM
Hi Jeni :) . Yes. But that time will vary from bird to bird. Thank gosh they do else we'd have a new forum for all the accidents. Your concerns are very real though, and serious injury can result if we're not careful after a wing clip. I'm not sure quite how to handle this, but when Goof had his clipped I let him try to fly in our bedroom with more space and less obstacles. About three days passed before the realization set in. Hopefully he will catch on real soon...Best wishes for Flappaccino! Thanks for sharing the great news :) ...........Michael and Goofy