View Full Version : No Birdies on the floor!

07-08-2005, 06:37 PM
Well it seems that my telling Ditto "no birdies on the floor" must have finally sunk in. He used to wander around down there (when he could sneak away) and look for food. Of course I'd pick him up, or call him to come to me (which he always does). My nieces were over on monday playing with him and they decided they wanted to play on the floor with him. As soon as he was put on the floor he flew up to my shoulder.

Last night he was sitting on my foot and I lowered it to the floor. Zoom, right back up to the shoulder. 8)

Now if I could only get him to wash the dishes. :happy:

07-08-2005, 06:46 PM

Eventually they see the floor as a place not to be. I have personal reasons that I freak out over birdies on the floor, and as far as I know, mine birds feet have never touched it. I just never allowed them there, and they don't go there.

I am glad to hear that Ditto knows it is not a good place to be :)

Buy A Paper Doll
07-08-2005, 07:22 PM
Can Ditto come teach my 2 little devils about No Birds On Floor? Because I can't get it to sink into their little heads. I do NOT want them there, it is too dangerous.

07-10-2005, 05:40 PM
My boy, Oliver, is not really a floor birdy but sometimes ends up there when he fly's off his cage to find me. Today, he flew off and I told him to wait a second, I walked out to the back porch (screened in) to grab my "poop" cape and he followed me! My husband asked me if I knew that bird was following me! :D Course I knew.....I don't take a single step when he's on the floor without knowing exactly where he is. Any time he lands on the floor, if I crouch down and hold out my finger, he'll walk to where ever I am to step up. He is the smartest little lovie! He'll come to me when I :whistle:

07-10-2005, 05:45 PM
My boy, Oliver, is not really a floor birdy but sometimes ends up there when he fly's off his cage to find me. Today, he flew off and I told him to wait a second, I walked out to the back porch (screened in) to grab my "poop" cape and he followed me! My husband asked me if I knew that bird was following me! :D Course I knew.....I don't take a single step when he's on the floor without knowing exactly where he is. Any time he lands on the floor, if I crouch down and hold out my finger, he'll walk to where ever I am to step up. He is the smartest little lovie! He'll come to me when I :whistle:

The first time I saw Ditto on the floor was his firts night here. My ex-girlfriend brought him over for me to babysit and his wings were clipped so bad he couldn't fly at all.

We were in the kitchen making dinner and he was playing on top of his cage. I could see the cage from the kitchen so I didn't think anything of it. I looked in toward the cage and didn't see him, just as I was about to panic he chirped and I noticed him, he was just about to walk through the kitchen door to join us. The no birdies on the floor training started right then.

07-10-2005, 06:06 PM
Dave, I agree that the floor is the most dangerous place I can think of for a lovie....well, inside an oven or a frig. would be worse (:omg:) but you know what I mean. Anyway, Oliver is just about the least curious bird and is so good about staying "put" except when he hears me and needs some shoulder time. Then, he will fly off his cage (clipped so he can go straight but not up) and eventually lands on the floor if he doesn't land on me. Since he is on my shoulder 80% of the time when I'm home, it's rare that he goes to the floor but I know it would be an accident waiting to happen if he were allowed to, or wanted to, spend time on the floor. My husband and son both know that Oliver is NOT allowed on the floor.....even though they do think he looks very funny when he walks (waddles)! :D

07-10-2005, 06:22 PM
Since Ditto is fully flighted now it's not really a problem. The only time he tried to go on the floor was when we were on the couch. He would throw his little cat toy balls down there and go after them. Now he just throws them down there and yells at me to get them.

Hmmmmm, maybe he didn't learn not to go on the floor, he's just enjoying making me get his toys. :lol

Who's training who here. :whistle:

No need to answer that last question, we all know the answer to that one already. :rofl: