View Full Version : A new baby...

10-09-2007, 06:18 AM
Hi everyone, :D I'm almost jumping right out of my skin and just wanted to share this good news with people who actually care and don't think I'm a bit crazy!!! :rofl: :omg:

I just talked to a local breeder and I'm GETTING A NEW BABY!!!! :happy: The ones he has are too young right now but he'll keep an eye out for one... He has maskeds, pieds etc. It sounds like he's a bird exporter too.

I asked for one to handfeed the last few weeks.

I'm really SO EXCITED but everyone just think I'm losing it :rofl: :rotfl :happy: :whistle: lol

SOOO, maybe my profile will have a new addition in a few weeks' time! :clap

10-09-2007, 10:54 AM
Being crazy is a prerequisite for lovie ownership! :rofl:

Well, let's hear about the upcoming arrival. what type of lovie????

10-09-2007, 12:05 PM
Hi MJ!


I don't know yet, I haven't seen any of them. I'd like to choose one myself but don't want to be too irritating to the breeder, so I'm containing myself and waiting until he calls me *sigh* he said that he has babies that are only a few days old so I will have to wait, but I'm going to try calling him next week to specify the type and get to know him better as well (I've only phoned him once).

Since he's an exporter he has quite a few types, so I'm really hoping for a lutino or if I'm really REALLY lucky an Abyssinian :clap (if he even knows what it is, lol! In SA you never really know what you're dealing with.)
But really, I'm not picky, just not another masked, I want some diversity (and this will also stop me from getting breeding ideas, which are actually impossible at the moment, into my head... :rofl: ) and am also hoping for a male.

What do you think about a bigger cage during the day (not outside aviary anymore, lol) and just putting them into their own smaller cages when I'm not there / at night? I'm just throwing around ideas so that they both (and maybe some future ones, :whistle: ) will be as comfortable and happy as possible, without getting babies into their heads :x :roll:

YAY, I'M SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!! :rotfl :happy: :rofl: :clap :nyah: :lol

10-09-2007, 04:42 PM
Congratulations, Gene! I'm excited for you and look forward to "meeting" the new baby when the time comes. :)

10-09-2007, 05:23 PM
Course, I am a bit partial to lutinos, but whatever you choose will be great I'm sure. Once quarantine is over and you can introduce the two, I'd definitely suggest having two cages. Even if they do get along famously when you are there, doesn't mean that they will when you're gone. Of course, if they get along great, a larger cage for both might be best. I'd start with two separate cages to begin with though. Better to be cautious then have to deal with an injured bird.