View Full Version : strange behaviour

10-10-2007, 04:45 AM
Keiko has been acting strangly towards me lately.She will come to me but when i do kissy noises she will start bobbing her head and fluffing up and looks like she is going to throw up but she doesn't.Is this right behaviour? She is 4 months old now.thanks:confused:
Also she managed to rip a bell off one of her toys and everytime I go to fix it she flys down to my fingers and bites them hard like she's saying 'I broke it off for a reason,don't fix it!'. Silly girl.

10-10-2007, 07:47 AM
That sounds like normal puberty to me. Keiko is young (are you sure about his/her age) and my two did not start that behavior before they were at least 6 months or older but still, your description sounds very familiar to me. :)

10-10-2007, 07:51 AM
what age is considered puberty for lovebirds?