View Full Version : Those nasty little mistakes...

10-11-2007, 01:42 PM
Luna is such a biter. :( I know I made some mistakes when I first got her. She was sitting in her cage on her first day home, everyone kept telling me to just stick my hand in and grab her. So I finally did. :omg: She went right up onto my shoulder when I got her out, and I thought it went well. Now I think I must have ruined her trust in hands. She hates hands. I will be sitting there on the couch and she will run down my arm and bite my hand and run back up onto my shoulder. Anytime she can bite my hands she does. It seems like she enjoys it. :evil: At first it wasn't too hard, but now it is getting worse. I don't know what to do. Everything I have read says that I should just slowly work with her and be patient. I am getting frustrated and it is at times frightening. :cry: Another thing is that she was trying to feed me the other night... she couldn't be going through puberty at 3 mths could she?? Is that too young?

10-11-2007, 01:58 PM
I don't think you've destroyed her trust in you. With time and patience, she'll be fine. I know that grabbing is never the preferred method and while I've never had to grab Oliver, I sure have grabbed the other two, several times. That would probably be a big mistake with a new bird but something she will get over....in time.

Are you sure that she is only 3 months old? Did she have black on her beak when you got her? I don't see any black in the photo in the avatar and wondered about that. Most peachies will have black for 3 to 3.5 months. If she came from a chain pet store, it's a fair bet they have no idea how old she or any of the lovies they sell are. 3 months is young for her to want to feed you. I didn't really see Shy or Big Boi do that till long after they were 6 months, closer to 9 months, old.

As far as hands go, some lovebirds never, ever like hands. Offer her an arm or even your fist w/o the fingers showing, maybe she'll like that idea better. A dowel is also a good tool in teaching a hand shy bird to step up.

10-11-2007, 02:06 PM
Well, I got her a round about way from a breeder. My mother-in-law got her from a lady selling her on craigslist who bought her from a breeder. I spoke to the lady who bred her and she said the Luna's hatch date was July 4th. That was one of my questions and nobody could answer it. She didn't have any black on her beak when I got her. Her beak wasn't real smooth either, it seems to have gotten thicker and smoother since I have had her. I don't know if that would give you any idea how old she is. I will have to email the breeder again.

10-11-2007, 02:22 PM
Becky, just out of curiosity , I would e-mail that breeder. Some breeders keep detailed records, exact hatch dates, and others don't but it would be nice to get more info. if you can. Your first thread that I can find was Sept. 25th and that would put Luna (if she was hatched on 7/4) at 11 to 12 weeks old. IMHO, a lovebird that age would still have black on its beak.

It doesn't really matter, just fun to know the exact hatch date when you can. You know, like knowing your kids birthday! :D

10-11-2007, 02:26 PM
Becky, just out of curiosity , I would e-mail that breeder. Some breeders keep detailed records, exact hatch dates, and others don't but it would be nice to get more info. if you can. Your first thread that I can find was Sept. 25th and that would put Luna (if she was hatched on 7/4) at 11 to 12 weeks old. IMHO, a lovebird that age would still have black on its beak.

It doesn't really matter, just fun to know the exact hatch date when you can. You know, like knowing your kids birthday! :D

Yeah, the lady we bought her from told me that she was 3 mths old then. I talked to the breeder and she said that she was hatched on July 4th. So actually she was 2 1/2 mths when I got her. I would like to know the exact date for the reason you mentioned. I want to know her birthday. :)

10-11-2007, 06:52 PM
She's pied, which might very well explain the lack of dark spot on the beak.

The behavior sounds correct to me for the age. Independence at this age is a big thing and with that comes a bit of attitude, much like a teenager. :lol

Patience and consistency in routine and training can help, but sometimes it's a matter of just dealing with it a bit until they get over it. My last batch of handfed youngsters took about 2 months to get over the attitude phase. Now, at 7 months old, they are back to their lovable selves.

10-11-2007, 07:32 PM
She's pied, which might very well explain the lack of dark spot on the beak.

YIPPEE, where have you been with that information????? I knew that there was something "different" about pied lovies but wasn't sure if it was the black on the beak or different colored feet! :rofl: I live in my own little world....a normal peachie, a WF Violet and a WF Blue. I can't keep up with the rest of that color/genetic/pied stuff! :whistle:

10-12-2007, 09:03 AM
Yeah, I recieved an email from the lady that bred her and she told me it was because she was a pied dutch blue, but that she thought she must also be split to whiteface. The lady recieved her birds from someone who didn't keep up with genetics so every clutch she has comes up in rainbow colors. She said she never really knows what she will get. But anyhoo... now I know for sure she is 3 mths old and was hatched on July 4th.

Thanks for all the help and about the teenage years... didn't know about that:x .

Another thing... I am going to the beach tomorrow for 4 days. My mother-in-law is going to watch Luna and Milo for me so I know they will be taken good care of, but I am just worried that Luna will bond to my sister-in-law. She is 16 and loves animals. Luna took to her instantly and while this is good, I want her to love me! :) Is that too much to ask??:lol

10-12-2007, 09:10 AM
In my opinion, having your bird become comfortable with people other than yourself is a good thing.

My mom has been staying with me for the last week, and MUCH to my surprise Fenway has taken to her!:clap

After about 2 hours of being on my shoulder and around my mom, she flew over to her and sat there on her shoulder, peeking up at her as if to say "hi, my name is Fenway and I will have you wrapped around my foot in no time!". Sure enough, now my mom lets her out of her cage when I'm at work and when I get home I find the two of them sitting, reading or something.:D Fenway still prefers me, and she will usually come over to me as soon as I enter the room.

I actually like the fact that she trusts other people, and am confident that she still sees me as her "mate".:rolleyes:

10-12-2007, 09:25 AM
In my opinion, having your bird become comfortable with people other than yourself is a good thing.

Carrie, you took the words right out of my mouth! :D I'm leaving tomorrow morning and will be back Sunday afternoon and I can promise you I'll worry about my lovies the entire time I'm gone! My hubby will be gone, too, and he is the only family member that all three really like besides me. My son will take care of them, I know that, but I'd love to see them bond with everyone the way they do with me.

Becky, a friendly little lovie who likes lots of people is a good thing! :)

10-12-2007, 10:06 AM
Becky, a friendly little lovie who likes lots of people is a good thing! :)

I know, I just haven't had her for very long and I don't want her to forget me. I know it is irrational, I will worry about it none the less.:blush:

10-12-2007, 11:34 AM
I know, I just haven't had her for very long and I don't want her to forget me. I know it is irrational, I will worry about it none the less.:blush:

That is perfectly OK! :D I'd worry, too, but you know your baby will be so happy to have you back! :) Might even give you the cold shoulder at first, just her way of telling you she doesn't like for you to leave, but she won't be able to resist you for long! :D

10-12-2007, 02:03 PM
That is perfectly OK! :D I'd worry, too, but you know your baby will be so happy to have you back! :) Might even give you the cold shoulder at first, just her way of telling you she doesn't like for you to leave, but she won't be able to resist you for long! :D

:lol That is so funny that you said that, last night I had to trade in my junker of a car and was out until 10pm or so. When I got home I let Luna out of the cage, and she sat on my shoulder for a few minutes and I was so tired that I went to bed. Making deals with the car people takes alot of energy!! This morning I did my usual routine. She has 2 cages one small one with a little cozy tent thingy for her sleeping and then a larger one for the day. I went to get her out of the small cage to put her in the large cage, just like every morning. She wouldn't have it! She was trying to take off my finger. She always just happily jumps on my finger and lets me transport her to her other cage. I kept trying with no luck. She was going to rip my finger off.:x My husband had to do it(luckily his hard work has toughened up his hands). I thought she must be mad at me for not letting her out last night. I felt horrible, but there was nothing that could have been done about it.

10-12-2007, 04:41 PM
Only thing i can say is be patient and be glad your lovies doesnt bite as hard or often as boo lol

10-22-2007, 09:39 AM
Well, turns out that Luna didn't forget me and is actually better for having been with my Mother-in-law's family. She is so sweet now, it is as if she appreciates me more. :)

10-22-2007, 09:46 AM
Well, turns out that Luna didn't forget me and is actually better for having been with my Mother-in-law's family. She is so sweet now, it is as if she appreciates me more. :)

That does not surprise me! My three are always so happy to see me, even if I'm only gone for one night. :)

10-22-2007, 01:25 PM
That does not surprise me! My three are always so happy to see me, even if I'm only gone for one night. :)

Yeah, but I have a feeling her little spoiled evil side will come back out soon;) .