View Full Version : Drac update

10-11-2007, 02:45 PM
Just wanted to let everyone know Dracula AKA Drac is adjusting well. He is the messiest bird I have ever had though.lol. I am having to clean his cage more then I ever did other birds.We have had him a little over a month and he seems happy. He has done well with the diet change and seems to love Lima beans.Also he will not touch his treat stick unless I have taken his bowls out for cleaning. I have tried to get him to come out and play a few times but he is not having that. Right now I just roll his cage into a room and open the door so he can come out on his own.The funny thing is he seems to have bonded to someone here. My 7 month old daughter Abbie.lol. She will be babbling and squeal. Then Drac starts chirping and dancing around. I am so happy he came into my life and family when he did.


10-11-2007, 02:56 PM
Awww, Sounds like Abbie has an extra angel looking after her.

10-11-2007, 02:59 PM
Steph, good update! Letting him get used to things on his schedule instead of everyone else's will most likely make for a much happier bird in the long run. :D It's that "first" bird that is so hard to be patient with! After we master that, we realize that they'll all come around with lots of time and patience. Glad to hear that he's an Abbie fan! They can be two year olds together in a year and a half! :rotfl

10-11-2007, 03:05 PM
he will not touch his treat stick unless I have taken his bowls out for cleaning.Steph, those treat sticks are :evil: I tell ya! At least that's what my lovies tell me :whistle: They wouldn't even eat them after I broke it up and put it in a treat cup. I'll stick (no pun intended :lol ) to Higgins SnackAttack. Hey - we haven't seen any updated pictures of that sweet little girlie of yours - hmmm?

10-11-2007, 05:27 PM
I had to ask Jackie what a treat stick was and she showed them to me when were were at the Aviarium. I had no idea that's what they're called.....I'd bought them ages ago and none of my birds liked them.:rolleyes: I put them out for the backyard birds.....no takers there either.

10-11-2007, 05:45 PM
So good to hear Drac's doing well. Wouldn't that be something if Drac and Abbie became best of friends :) . Best wishes for them both. And you know...those treat sticks aren't very popular. I ended up eating more than Goofy did! Thanks Steph for the update...............Michael and Goofy

10-12-2007, 02:21 AM
That's great to hear! I didn't know you had gotten a new family member, so congrats!

10-12-2007, 11:23 AM
Yes I got Drac a little while back from a neighbor.
As requested here is a link to pictures of my human kids and a new one of Drac. He likes that perch no matter were I move it.


10-12-2007, 12:23 PM
Abbie looks like you. She has some pretty hair - you need to give that girlie some hairbows :D I can't believe she's 6/7 months old already!

Aren't those perches suppose to be good for the feetsies? I think Janie bought some similar at the birdfair. I need to get a few too. He's a purdy-birdy :clap

10-12-2007, 02:35 PM
:D Thanks Abbie is a keeper. She has some cute hair things. But I only put them in when we go out.

The perch is one of the rougher types. I think it is concrete but can not remember and he is on it often. i moved it lower and to other side and he always goes back to it. I might remove it for a few hours a day. just cause I am worried it might be to rough on his feet. He does use it to groom himself often.Both his beak and his head get a good scratch with it.


10-12-2007, 05:17 PM
Ya got a whole clan of cuties:D
Sunshine waited a whole month before eating on his seedstick but i belive he just likes chewing the seeds off the stick i dont think he actually eats it, boo wont even give it a look lol.

10-14-2007, 04:15 PM
Yep, that's a concrete perch. They are awesome. And great pictures of everyone!