View Full Version : A little lighting maybe?

10-11-2007, 03:31 PM
Well, aside from all the excitement around here, school shooting, floods, 30 train cars derailing and a possible explosion covering a five mile radius (and we live 1 and a half miles away) in the last two days, I'm working with a breeder on lighting issues for our birds. She has 27 various small species, mainly finches, and of course I've got Goofy lovie. Hers share an outdoor aviary during the warmer seasons but 6 months (exaggerated) of winter reduce natural sunlight quite a bit. Goofy's is even more minimal unless I kind find suitable measures to provide it for him. Two fluorescent 2ft tubes 2-3 hours daily is what I use now but we're trying to find better alternatives. I've noticed a lot of table lamps that use small fluorescent self ballasted screw socket type bulbs that claim to offer natural sunlight without the heat. Also, we'd like to try the 50watt/120V bulbs used in track lighting fixtures and incorporate one or two of them into a pole lamp to help warm a small area without risk of fire or too much additional heat and glare. The natural sunlight type may be used all day to simulate the natural period of sunlight during the day. Whether they provide enough UV rays is in question, but I'm certain they don't have the uncomfortable glare as the 2ft version. The 50watt/120V track bulbs offer limited heat without any glare as you can view them directly without the blind spotting effect. They do though create enough heat in the socket to require safety measures adapting them to a pole lamp such as removing the plastic shade and simply using the metal one that comes with them, socket included. I purchased a pole lamp with three separate movable/adjustable lights on top to start with. The kind that you can bend around quite easily as needed. !8 dollars at Big Lots discount store. Walmart had them too but they were 29. We have to research the UV bulbs yet, and if they provide sufficient UV rays within a safe range to use all day, then they'll just screw right in. The track lights are ready to go but the socket needs to be modified and made safe. All this in a pole lamp along with a timer you can plug into the wall. Hopefully this works and is safe. the only exposed wire is from the base of the lamp to the wall outlet. And the heat on and around the track light shade is such that it won't burn to the touch. Either this works, or I just wasted about 40 bucks altogether :D . We're still trying to figure out lumins and colour temps, and doubt the energy cost is even an issue. Certainly any Idea's or suggestions would be quite welcome! :) ...............Michael 8o and Goofy 8o