View Full Version : Little river dancers!

10-12-2007, 05:31 PM
For some reason my birds loooove river danceing!
My daughter brought over a video (some school project) of riverdancers and my birds went crazy banging thier toys slamming the gate etc to get out for a better view.
Well i let um out and they sat there transfixed makeing little clicks and peeps.
So i turned off the sound and they made a big fuss till i turned on the sound.
I then turned off the picture but left the sound on same thing, they made a big fuss.
now they wobble back and forth and peep along! To funny!
When i get my videocamera working again thats a definate youtube!:rofl:
so now thier favorites in order are #1 riverdanceing, #2 meerkat manor,#3 youtube.
Between thier love of bagpipes (dont ask) and river danceing makes me wonder if i should leave the movie braveheart playing when i leave for work!:lol

10-12-2007, 06:41 PM
For some reason my birds loooove river danceing!
My daughter brought over a video (some school project) of riverdancers and my birds went crazy banging thier toys slamming the gate etc to get out for a better view.
Well i let um out and they sat there transfixed makeing little clicks and peeps.
So i turned off the sound and they made a big fuss till i turned on the sound.
I then turned off the picture but left the sound on same thing, they made a big fuss.
now they wobble back and forth and peep along! To funny!
When i get my videocamera working again thats a definate youtube!:rofl:
so now thier favorites in order are #1 riverdanceing, #2 meerkat manor,#3 youtube.
Between thier love of bagpipes (dont ask) and river danceing makes me wonder if i should leave the movie braveheart playing when i leave for work!:lol

Ditto loves bagpipes too! :lol
His favorite show is Sunrise Earth on Discovery HD theater. I record it for him every day and turn it on when I get home. Today they had pengiuns on and he's decided that he's a penguin. Starting to sound just like them. :happy:

10-12-2007, 07:18 PM
My three like......RAP! Hard to believe, I know.:rolleyes:

10-12-2007, 07:50 PM
mine love instrumental music soundtracks from video games :x... Evie even has her own 'song'...

10-12-2007, 08:16 PM
Wow! Bagpipes, rap, and video games. What will these wacky birds like next?!....I tell ya's we're still not quite sure yet what Goofy likes the most. Still have lots to go through. He does seem partial to Chinese music. Maybe its the twing twangy plink plink or something. He seems to become quiet and attentive yet goes about business as usual, only without much of a peep. Haven't tried the bagpipes yet :) ...........Michael and Goofy

10-12-2007, 08:50 PM
Wow! Bagpipes, rap, and video games. What will these wacky birds like next?!....I tell ya's we're still not quite sure yet what Goofy likes the most. Still have lots to go through. He does seem partial to Chinese music. Maybe its the twing twangy plink plink or something. He seems to become quiet and attentive yet goes about business as usual, only without much of a peep. Haven't tried the bagpipes yet :) ...........Michael and Goofy

Ditto's favorite is still country. He does seem to like jazz, classical and opera though.

I'm not sure about heavy metal stuff, he either likes it and is really getting into it (screaming, headbaning and jumping around) or he's yelling at me to turn that crap off. Kinda tough to tell. :rofl:

10-12-2007, 09:33 PM
lol I know wierd little things i mean i could understand if it was something i listen to often but this was out of the blue!
They do sing along with my girlfriend when she plays her ukulele but i think they are just trying to give her voice lessons lol

10-13-2007, 02:23 PM
I'm not sure about heavy metal stuff, he either likes it and is really getting into it (screaming, headbaning and jumping around) or he's yelling at me to turn that crap off. Kinda tough to tell.

Dave, I suspect one day Ditto is going to demand that you get him a birdie mansion, personal millet chef, and a swimming pool:lol... that handsome little guy has you wrapped around his teensy toesies :lol

10-13-2007, 05:11 PM
Dave, I suspect one day Ditto is going to demand that you get him a birdie mansion, personal millet chef, and a swimming pool:lol... that handsome little guy has you wrapped around his teensy toesies :lol

Mansion: already got it.
Personal millet chef: got that too-ME!
Swimming pool: yep, got that. My hands under the sink faucet. :whistle:

10-13-2007, 05:31 PM
so now thier favorites in order are #1 riverdanceing, #2 meerkat manor,#3 youtube.

oh my gosh i love that show meerkat manor!! no one else i know has ever heard of it so i felt like a loner:very_sad:

but now i feel better now that i know that im not the only one that watches that show

10-13-2007, 05:32 PM

10-14-2007, 06:21 AM
Esmay, I love and watch it too, so don't feel alone! :clap

I still have to find what Bekkie likes though... :confused:

10-14-2007, 04:14 PM
oh my gosh i love that show meerkat manor!! no one else i know has ever heard of it so i felt like a loner:very_sad:

but now i feel better now that i know that im not the only one that watches that show

Oh no, you're not alone! I love it, too. I just read that Flower died last February....snake bite. :(

10-14-2007, 05:05 PM
Oh no, you're not alone! I love it, too. I just read that Flower died last February....snake bite. :(

The snake bite one was the first one I saw. I almost couldn't watch any more of them. :very_sad:

10-14-2007, 05:16 PM
The snake bite one was the first one I saw. I almost couldn't watch any more of them. :very_sad:

Somehow, I missed it. I found out, in of all places, in People magazine in the "passages" section!

10-14-2007, 05:17 PM
Somehow, I missed it. I found out, in of all places, in People magazine in the "passages" section!

I just saw it a couple weeks ago. I'm watching the one where her hubby leaves the group right now.

10-14-2007, 05:44 PM
I just saw it a couple weeks ago. I'm watching the one where her hubby leaves the group right now.

WHAT????? You mean the kids will be orphans??? I haven't seen any of the new season, usually just catch it when they run several old ones, back to back, but if the kids are getting ditched, I don't think I can watch! :very_sad:

10-14-2007, 05:46 PM
WHAT????? You mean the kids will be orphans??? I haven't seen any of the new season, usually just catch it when they run several old ones, back to back, but if the kids are getting ditched, I don't think I can watch! :very_sad:

Flower's daughter Rocket Dog took over. Since they're all his kids he can't mate with them so he has to go roaming for a new one. He's trying to steal one of the zappa hotties now. :whistle:

10-14-2007, 07:19 PM
My brother and I watch meerkat manor and cry all the time :(
btw i didnt know that flower died :(:(:(
there is going to be a lot more crying in our house.......

10-14-2007, 09:53 PM
Well after doing a little bit of research I've figured out why lovies (at least peachies) love meerkat manor. It reminds them of home since that's where Peachies come from.

The Kalahari is on the southern end of their homeland.

10-14-2007, 10:12 PM
Makes you wonder what sort of complex functions go on in their wee little minds....

10-15-2007, 12:04 PM
My little ones love the Red Hot Chili Peppers!!! Both to listen to and to eat. :rofl:

My crew is a bit more juvenile in their television preferences. It's Sesame Street, Clifford the Big Red Dog and Arthur for my little ones. Winston, our elderly Tiel loves to watch television. We should rename him Couch Potato.

Has everyone let their little ones watch videos of parrots? :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl Everytime I have "The Real Macaw" on, they go crazy!