View Full Version : Adding to the flock

10-12-2007, 08:36 PM

I don't post here often except for when I have questions...

Socrates is about one year old now and absolutely adores my wife and I. He insists on head scratches, never wants to be in his cage, and panics when we leave. All in all, Socrates gets to spend a lot of time with us but it's never enough.

For that reason, we're considering adding another bird to the family, but I've read and heard that this can be tricky.

1. We don't want birdy babies
2. It's very probable that Socrates is male (do I have to explain this?):whistle:

Do any of you have experience with this? If it's a bad idea, just say so and I'll forget about it.

10-12-2007, 08:51 PM
First thing I would do is DNA Socrates to make very sure he's a he. If so, you can very easily get him a male companion, but it would have to be a DNA sexed male....go guesswork.

Lovebirds are very social so what you are saying makes perfect sense. You and your wife are his family/flock so he wants to be with you 24/7, which isn't always possible. All of my birds have birdie companions, simply so they have one of their own kind to socialize with. They know they are birds and that's important.

10-12-2007, 08:53 PM
I second Linda's opinion that getting Socrates a companion is a good idea.
My biggest question would be: are you prepared to have 2 seperate birdies for their entire lives if they don't 'get along'?
I think with slow introduction and lots of lovin from you and your hubby, a new birdie could make the transition into your family quite nicely :)
Good Luck