View Full Version : Little update

10-13-2007, 02:41 PM
Just wanted to let everyone know that Oki's little toesy is healing well, no more bleeding, swelling, infection etc. This whole thing has made me very close to my little green boy too, he truly is a big parrot in a small body!!:clap
other birdies also doing fine, Ammy coming along wonderfully! He is a mama's boy, loves big beak kisses, and is now calling the dog "parrot! parrot!":rotfl and Evie is now telling him "ammy shut up!":rotfl they are all hilarious. haku is doing well too, but he's turned into a little aggressor overnight, i'm at least glad that he isn't so fearful anymore though.

Also, a while aback i posted about an agouti that i had intended to release into the wild. Turns out my little one became way too tame to release. I was advised that he would not survive on his own, and that the best thing to do would be to keep him. Soooo i have a pet agouti now :whistle: and he is super tame, and likes head rubs and nose scratches. My camera is busted, but i will post pics when i can.

dani and flock (and agouti)

10-13-2007, 03:41 PM
Nice! Looking forward to the pictures of your comedy club lol

10-13-2007, 06:34 PM
If you keep picking up critters, you're gonna need a bigger house. :rofl:

10-13-2007, 07:08 PM
If you keep picking up critters, you're gonna need a bigger house. :rofl:

If she gets a bigger house, I want to be adopted. Her house sounds wonderful as it is! :rofl:

10-13-2007, 07:14 PM
If she gets a bigger house, I want to be adopted. Her house sounds wonderful as it is! :rofl:

I'm going first!!!:rofl:

10-13-2007, 07:16 PM
I'm going first!!!:rofl:

No! No! No!:mad: Ladies first!:rofl:

10-13-2007, 08:49 PM
Wooohooo party at dani's house!!!:b_party:

10-13-2007, 10:17 PM
signs that you are becoming a crazy animal lady....
when you take a break from snuggling with Amazon on the bed to make a paper burrow for your agouti so he can be snuggly for the night.

Elle and Dave...what my house really sounds like is an out of control zoo:( and i suspect it will only get worse. btw i have a new turtle too :lol i am going to start a house expansion fund...

10-14-2007, 06:18 AM
:rotfl :lol
This is hillarious! Btw, if lived in USA I'd come too :(
Can't wait to see new pics, get that camera fixed OK? :nyah:

10-14-2007, 07:17 PM
Gene... quite a journey for you it would be!!
I live in Trinidad, in the West Indies!! :lol :lol :lol

10-15-2007, 11:39 AM
Any excuse for a trip to Trinidad would be fine with me. The current 7 day forecast is for cold, rainy weather. Of course, I could make the trip to be adopted too. ;) Glad everyone is happy and healthy!

10-15-2007, 11:59 AM
Dani- where in Trinidad do you live? Don't worry its not because i'm coming to fidnap, but my boyfriend is from Trinidad and I told him someone on my lovebird message board was from there and he wanted to know specifics!

10-16-2007, 09:22 PM
Really, Rachel!? Yay small world :D
Tell your boyfriend I'm from Sangre Grande. Where is he originally from?

MJ, it's raining this week but still warm as usual. It's always warm!! :x it sounds nice, but it gets a bit irritating when it's ridiculously hot in july and august and you can't take a walk without sweating in a most unladylike manner....:lol
Heather, you can just let Haku know in advance and he will make room for Gabriel... he is hinting that he wants a companion, but mama isn't ready!!