View Full Version : puking

10-13-2007, 10:14 PM
My bird Oly has a strange habbit. i had to remove its favorite toy because it kept puking on it and eating it again. after this, it chose its next favorite toy and did the same thing. so, i removed that one. after this it just does it on its favorite perch. quite a disgusting habbit i'd say. any ideas as to the reason why it would do this? i have thought long and hard.

10-13-2007, 10:19 PM
The way birds show affection for something/someone is by feeding it! That's what Oly is doing. As you are finding, you remove one object and he simply finds another one....... :rolleyes: You're going to have to accept that which you can't change.

10-14-2007, 12:41 AM
Celestino continually tries to feed me all the time. It's his way of showing me he loves me and thankfully he never leaves it. I've tried to redirect him when he does this but he's a determined little guy who thinks my fingers are hungery:rofl: My husband was happy when Celestino started doing it to him too. He knew it meant that he and Celestino were bonding and his patience was paying off.

10-14-2007, 03:39 PM
One of my younger two does it all the time, several times every day! His object of affection is a birdie buddy and he constantly feeds the two in his cage and used to feed the one in Oliver's cage, till I removed it. I loaded up on them at a bird fair and change them out every to every other day. I know it's very normal behavior but I agree, it's kind of disgusting. I couldn't stop him, even if I tried, so I just do the best I can to keep his birdie buddies clean.....and am thankful he's chosen them instead of my ear! :D