View Full Version : can adopt a quaker parrot in nj?

10-15-2007, 11:00 AM
Hi everybody...I have a question about the quaker parrot...well I always check this webpage call craigslist.org...there are so many people giving their pets away...its really sad...so I came across this add from a lady saying that she found a quaker parrot and this quaker was domesticated but she can't take care of him anymore...and she was giving it away for adoption...I email her but she never answer...I talked to myboyfriend about this and he was excited about this quaker parrot ( he doesn't like buying birds, he just wants to adopt)...but it looks like someone adopt the parrot already...I told my boyfriend how those parrots are illegal to buy in some states...and how nj think they are a pest...and he was mad...he doesn't see why some people just don't want them in nj...but the point is...can I adopt any quaker parrot that was rescue from the tear downs in nj?...or it still illegal?...I can't see to get any information about it online...

10-15-2007, 12:39 PM
You can own a quaker in NJ, however you need to have a special permit to do so. http://www.state.nj.us/dep/fgw/dangrspp.htm

10-15-2007, 03:10 PM
Quaker parrots, along with all psittacula parrots and Patagonian conures, are illegal to sell and breed in NJ and it is my understanding that they are also illegal to own. There was a big bruhaha over a well-known bird vendor selling ringnecks a few years back; the state bent the rules to allow unsuspecting owners to keep their birds but they are otherwise illegal to keep as pets.

You can own a quaker in NJ, however you need to have a special permit to do so. http://www.state.nj.us/dep/fgw/dangrspp.htm

Those permits are difficult, if not impossible to obtain. I've not ever heard of them being obtained by a family wishing to own or adopt a Quaker parrot.

It sucks, I know :(

10-17-2007, 11:08 AM
:( ...