View Full Version : Leaving for 10 Days!!!

10-16-2007, 01:54 PM
So here comes my first big trip and leaving the birdies behind :(

Chris and I are going to Ontario for our vacation to visit my family and his parents will be watching the birdies for us.
They have looked after them before when we went up island for a few days and they could handle them!!!

His mom has a technique for caging them when they wont co-operate: she just offers them a happy hut and Skittles hops in and then Kirby, then happy hut is placed in Kirby's cage and he hops out and then Skittles is placed in her cage :lol

They willl be getting a Care Sheet which I love writing up for people :D and then the two of us leave on friday the 19th and come home on the 28th.
So his parents will be getting every other day calls from me for updates!

10-16-2007, 02:48 PM
Awww...it's always so difficult leaving our babies behind! :very_sad:

It's great that your man's parents are good with birds...I'm sure you trust them and are much more secure leaving the lovies with them instead of someone you don't really know that well.

I know, it's easier said than done, but try to enjoy your vacation, and not worry about them too much! :nyah:

10-16-2007, 04:34 PM
It will be very hard to not worry about 'em. They are mischief makers!
I have two vacations coming up :p

This one that I have been SO EXCITED about as I haven't been home in a year and a half for the first time.
And the second I have already rubbed in everyone's faces hehe I'm going to Cancun

10-18-2007, 02:45 PM
Alright fellow bird brains!!!

I am leaving tomorrow afternoon at 10am!!

I am so nervous about leaving the brats for that time with Chris' parents. Of course I trust 'em or they wouldn't be looking after them.
BUT I think everyone understands my reasoning for being nervous.

10-24-2007, 06:54 PM
I completely understand how hard it is to leave them behind, when I travel I leave my lovebird with my parents and they do a great job taking care of her, they just love to have her and miss her when I take her back.

10-24-2007, 07:25 PM
Have a good trip!
I am sure you were just a little harder to raise then your lovies so i am sure they will do a great job lol

10-25-2007, 08:15 AM
Hope you are having a great vacation! I recently went to the beach and left Luna with my husbands parents, I was nervous about it because it was the first time. I was gone Saturday-Friday night. When I came back Luna was the sweetest thing!! It really was as if she missed me! She is now back to her :evil: self, but it was nice for a few days there. :rotfl