View Full Version : I need advice....

10-18-2007, 08:36 AM
I know that I have said this a bunch of times already, but this time im serious.I have resolved to ask my dad about getting a lovebird either today or tomorrow. This will be the next step in finding my perfect bird. Any ideas on what you think would work?? (other than showing him this site)

The next step if he says yes, which I hope he will, is to contact the aviaryand ask about adopting Sky. If you have not seen Sky yet, go to:


Yes, as I have said before, this will not be easy.

I remember in 2nd grade (Im amazed that I remember that far back)
I tried to convince him to let me buy 2 hermit crabs. My mom had already said yes. (when she was younger, her house was like a zoo, so she loves animals) And I asked him over and over again for a year and told him why they would be good pets before he said yes. And when he finally did, we went to the beach and I bought 2 hermit crabs with my money (I was so proud) And then Shelby and Shore (those were their names) lived with me for 2 years until we went on vacation for 10 days. My aunt promised that she would take care of them, and I trusted her with them because she had taken care of Shelby and Shore before, but when we came back, we found out that my aunt had forgotten to take care of them, and so they died.

Sorry, I sort of got carried away there. But anyway, even though I have done all the research that I need to, my dad is hard to convince, so I need a little bit of help. And of course, my mom has already said yes. So what do you think?!?!? Please help me!!!!!

10-18-2007, 09:22 AM

10-18-2007, 09:50 AM
Im bored. Ive been on here ALL DAY LONG waiting for someone to reply so that I can ask my dad right away when he gets home, so PLEASE HELP!!!

mabye if I put it in the emergencies section.....

10-18-2007, 10:08 AM
If your mom has already said "yes" she is the one I'd go to for help. When I was younger, it was the opposite. My daddy always said "yes" to every pet we wanted and while my mother was not a "pet" person, she always went along with what he said and was there to take care of them when we slacked off.

I'll tell you again that I think it's really important for you to go about this by telling your dad the truth about the cost in owning a pet bird. Why is it that you think he'll be opposed to getting a bird? Have you talked about a bird with him before? Does it have to do with the noise, the expense, the mess? Those are all valid reasons for not getting a bird if that would be a problem for your dad. I know plenty of folks that tell their kids they can have a certain pet when they move out and have their own place. Personally, I don't feel that way and would let my kids get (almost) any pet they wanted but people feel differently about that. I've had dogs and/or cats all my life but I will say that my lovebirds take far more time and care than any other pet I've had. I went into it with my eyes wide open and knew that I could take on the responsibility of a bird(s), the time, the care and the expense.

10-18-2007, 10:31 AM
Ok, here's my :2cents:.

I know you really want a lovebird, and your mom has said yes...but you need to also consider that a lovebird lives 15+ years, and your parents will most likely be the ones caring for this bird if and when you go off to college. That is a responsibility they will need to be willing to take on, aside from the monetary concerns.

I don't know how old you are, but having and keeping a lovebird is a real commitment and a huge responsibility. The talk with your dad (and mom) should be as open and honest as possible, as the most important thing to consider is the well being of the lovie. ;)

10-18-2007, 12:05 PM
I don't think I can add any more advice!

Carrie and Janie both have excellent points and I would just be repeating exactly what they had said!!!

10-18-2007, 01:57 PM
Hi Blossomfrost,

I 'm glad you're acting responsibly and taking the time to research. When people ask me about whether I would recommend them to get a bird as a pet, I always sound so negative that many wonder why I have birds in the first place. And I'm a bird brain :). I think falling in love with a bird is easy, it can steal your heart in a moment. But taking care of them is anything but and I do believe that it's only fair for people to know about the bad parts and the really bad parts of bird ownership. So my advice to you would be to be really honest with your dad about everything you've learned: that birds can be noisy and messy, that they require vet care, both preventive and remedial, a big cage, plenty of toys, a varied diet, some of which requires a lot of chopping and even baking, and constant cleanup (cages and their surroundings get messy faster than you can say poop). It's only fair to your dad and to any prospective bird you get. Think how bad you would feel if you gloss over the bad parts and your parents later make you give up your lovie.

I'd also probably talk to mom first, since you say she loves animals. Ask her what would be her advice and what she thinks your dad's main objections could be. Then you will get a better idea of which points you need to be really prepared to discuss with him.

Good luck!
