View Full Version : My bird eats his poo

10-20-2007, 02:18 PM
I just noticed that my bird eats his poo. He will go to the bathroom wait until it drys then he will eat it. I doubt that can be very healthy but if anyone knows anything about this can you please let me know. Thanks!!!

10-20-2007, 04:22 PM
Hrmmmm mine used to eat it when it when they were young (3-4 months old)
but was wet and i think they thought it was something else they would nibble it but wouldnt like the taste.
Mabey it's eating leftover seeds or is attracted to the coloring i am not sure linda would know more then me.
I would suggest removeing it when its wet and make sure your lovie has lots of food, treats and water and mabey a food or toy of similar color?

10-20-2007, 05:00 PM
I have heard a few times of birds doing this when they are missing something in their diet. Does your bird have cuttle bone in the cage? Also does you bird eat veggies and fruit?


10-20-2007, 11:24 PM
Yes, Kiwi will have fruit and vegetables when he sees me eating them(and he will love it) but when I try to give it to him without me eating it he will try it, spit it out and then be mad at me like I tried to feed him something poisonous:lol. But ya he has food/water, a cuttle bone, gravel, colorful toys, etc I'm pretty sure he has everything he needs.