View Full Version : I had to do it..

10-20-2007, 08:09 PM
Some of you might remember a awhile back I posted that I was having a problem with daisy screaming and the ppl above me complaining. Well they won and so today Daisy left to be with her new family...
:very_sad: :very_sad: :very_sad: :very_sad: :very_sad: :very_sad:
I didn't want to but she would not stop screaming and I had no choice. The family that took her I feel very good about though. I could tell that they fell in love with her as well so it makes me happy that she will be in good hands.
I also gave them this site if they needed any help.

It still hurts badly though, I was so proud of myself being strong the whole time but when they went to grab her cage and I said bye I broke down. I feel like a bad mommy..
:very_sad: :very_sad: :very_sad: :very_sad:

10-20-2007, 08:35 PM
Oh Amanda, I am so, so sorry. People can be so horrible sometimes. You're not a bad mum at all -she went to a family who will love her, and sometimes that's the most anyone can do.

:( :( :(

10-20-2007, 08:55 PM
Poor dear! Rent from me! the nerve of some people i swear...
You obviously did the best you could and loved her and made sure she went to a good home and were a good mommy!
Hrmmm now to think of a way to get rid of those pesky upstairs neighbours.....

10-20-2007, 09:13 PM
Hrmmm now to think of a way to get rid of those pesky upstairs neighbours.....

Right?! They are SOO loud and flight ALL the time! And we never once said anything. Its really quiet right now and I don't like it.. but I can assure you this is my LAST apartment!
:very_sad: :very_sad:

10-20-2007, 09:33 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that Daisy had to go live with another family! Some people just have nothing better to do than complain! What amazes me is that they live upstairs from you and sound usually doesn't travel up very well.

I always hated apartment living, too. I had one bad experience in a high rise building and my last apartment was on the top floor!

10-20-2007, 09:41 PM
I didn't think they could hear that much myself but they don't like us very well due to some problems we had when we first moved in. So I think they were just being a**h****..not only that but we moved into a very nice safe place and after the first problem we had with them our car got broken into and we believe they might have had something to do with that as well.. so they are nothing but trouble for us. :(

10-20-2007, 09:42 PM
Amanda. So sorry to hear you were forced to find Daisy an alternative home. Prayers for her and you. Although we really can't predict these things will happen, hopefully others will consider their living arrangements along with the future when taking in a pet of any kind. Best wishes, and hope you eventually find a much better place to live.............Michael and Goofy

10-21-2007, 08:30 AM
I am so upset.. last night before I fell asleep I kept wondering if she ok or if she freaking out wondering where I am.. Do you think she will adjust well or will she be upset for awhile? :(

10-21-2007, 08:43 AM
Hi Amanda,
Lovebirds are very adaptable and Daisy will adjust to her new home, but she's going to be upset and confused for a while. Birds are creatures of habit and tend to be fearful when things change, at least until they realize that they are safe.

I've found that they have remarkable memories, so you will not be forgotten. I'm just so very sorry that things had to work out the way they did. Some people are just so spiteful and will stop at nothing to make others unhappy. :very_sad:

10-21-2007, 09:54 AM
Amanda, I am so sorry. As you said, some ppl are just a**holes and it sounds like your neighbors are.

I want to share with you that when I adopted Oliver he was around 7 years old and had only laid eyes on me one time, for 5 minutes, before I took him. The girl I adopted him from was going off to college and gave me almost no information about him or bird care in general. I got it all right here. I'm sure you gave Daisy's family as much information as possible and that will be very helpful in the transition to her new home. Oliver's transition, thinking back, seemed to go very smoothly and I hope that Daisy's will, too.

Birds are re-homed a lot it seems and with patience and love, they can and will adapt to their new home. I'll keep you in my thoughts, I know this was a tough thing for you and I am sorry. (((HUGS)))

Pips mom
10-21-2007, 10:05 AM
I'm sorry you had to give up your bird :( I want to try to make you feel a little better though and tell you that we got Pip from a young man who was a college student and living at home and I think maybe whoever else was living in the house was probably getting tired of how loud he can be and he is always getting into things! Plus Pip really needs alot of out time, and this guy worked and went to school so was not having alot of time for Pip. Anyway, he had to give Pip up, and find him a good home-----well he picked us, and Pip is very happy here and he didn't seem bothered at all by the change of coming here----in fact I think WE had to adjust more to him! lol He just made himself right at home here and it just seemed like a new big adventure to him and never seemed scared or upset in any way!
What's really nice is that I always tried to keep in touch with his previous owner and emailed him with updates and pictures, AND I always told him that he is always welcome to come to visit Pip, but he never has. We did, however leave Pip with him for 4 days while we were away on vacation---it's nice because he got to see him again and spend some time with him and I felt good that Pip was with someone who knows him! Plus if I had left Pip with the tiels at my parents, he would not have gotten any out of cage time.
You should ask your bird's new owners if they can email you with updates on how she is doing, or maybe if you can visit sometime-----this will help you feel better knowing she is doing ok.
I know you miss her! but remember that she is in a good home with people who will love her----same as you do.

10-22-2007, 07:56 AM
I sent a email to the guy who adopted her sat night and just got one back this morning. He tells me that Daisy gets along with the whole family and how much he is already in love with her. He told me that she seems kinda quiet right now but really has not left his shoulder all weekend.

That makes me feel a little better knowing shes getting all this love from this great family.

10-22-2007, 07:58 AM
I sent a email to the guy who adopted her sat night and just got one back this morning. He tells me that Daisy gets along with the whole family and how much he is already in love with her. He told me that she seems kinda quiet right now but really has not left his shoulder all weekend.

That makes me feel a little better knowing shes getting all this love from this great family.

Amanda, much as I know you miss her, that has got to be the best news for you. I'm so happy to read this update. :)

10-22-2007, 06:29 PM
Now i can't speak for all states but here in hawaii if you have a note from your doctor that says getting rid of your pet would be detrimental to your health or cause you to get sick or become ill then even if the building is not pet friendly they have to make an exception.
Belive it's called a comfort pet but not positive.
But i do know with a dr. note you can't evict you because of your pet.
Now they can choose not to renew your lease or tell you if your pet dies you cant get an new one or add anymore pets then are already on your note.
Just thought i would share for future neighbour problems:)

10-22-2007, 06:41 PM

I am SO sorry about Daisy. I can't imagine how you must have agonized over that decision... I have no doubt that she's with a family just as loving as yours and that she'll do well in her new home.

Here's hoping that your nasty neighbors decide to move away so YOU can have some peace!


10-24-2007, 06:45 PM
I am sorry that you had to give your lovebird away, try to get visiting rights if you can.