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Thread: Lizzy and Stormy update

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Phoenix Arizona

    Default Lizzy and Stormy update

    I think Lizzy is turning into a real mommas girl (first one out of 10!!! LOL). Shes so bold and cute. Im starting to learn to read her body language and starting to understand her ways.. Eric on the other hand is terrified of her. He wont go near her, and any time she opens her beak hes gone. Ive tried to explain to him that even if he asks her to step up, its a habit that she grabs with her beak first and that it doesnt hurt, but hes not buying it LOL

    I can see shes starting to get a bit aggressive towards him. She really doesnt care for him at all. Shell fly to the floor and run over to my feet to hang out with me.

    Stormy is still shy, but hes becoming much more outgoing. Whereever she is, he is. I can tell sometimes she gets annoyed and will chase him away from me, but he always comes back lol. Im started to wonder if maybe she IS more of a human bird, but at night they always cuddle up so i know in the end she enjoys his company. Just thought id share an update
    (the story behind everyone)

  2. #2

    Default Re: Lizzy and Stormy update

    Awwww... Posts like this give me hope in the rare case I might ever get a hen in the future! :P

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Watertown, MA

    Default Re: Lizzy and Stormy update

    Lizzy may be aggressive toward Eric because she knows he's afraid of her. Birds tend to take better to people who are not bird-shy and they seem to have a pretty good sense of who is and who is not.

    I know its somewhat of a feed-back loop- that he fears her because she is aggressive, and she is aggressive because he fears her. I hope you can work through it! I have had issues like that with birds in my family. I've had birds that love everyone regardless, and birds that only take to certain people-- the birds that are choosy about the human beings they like have MANY reasons for liking or disliking, so my assumption may be incorrect in this case- for all we know she doesn't like the smell of his deoderant, his haircut, or a color he likes to wear... or she may not like men! I have had birds that seem to take more to people of a certain gender.

    I hope you work it out! Chris had non-tame budgies and an aggressive female cockateil growing up, and has recently come SUCH A LONG WAY in learning how to handle birds. He was so afraid of hurting them at first, more than he was afraid of being bitten though that was a factor, too.

    MyKl, with regard to hens, I am a firm believer in personality being attributed to the individual bird rather than being based on gender. I've had 8 lovebirds in my life, and I will also count my mother's two, so ten in all. Of them, there were 4 hens, and 6 cocks. 3/4 hens are/were very sweet, friendly lovies that bit rarely if ever. Of the cocks, 5/6 have been very sweet & friendly lovies that bit rarely if ever. They came from varied backgrounds, some were very tame when they came home and others took time, but let me tell you- the male that was an unholy terror and the female, they were on-par with one another. I know that is far from scientific evidence of hens not being inherently mean, and I KNOW that females will get hormonal from time to time, but some of the sweetest birds I have had have been female. The difficult male we had went through his unpleasant changes when he reached sexual maturity, and the female in that pair remained very docile and sweet the majority of the time. One of our late male GCC was also a very friendly bird who went wild when he reached sexual maturity. I know that hens can be difficult, but I think they get a worse reputation than they deserve.

    Freyja has only been here a few days, but she seems to be on the far far end of the sweet & gentle spectrum!
    Frey, Odie , Auri, Fili , Mae, Burbank , Iris & Hermes

  4. #4

    Default Re: Lizzy and Stormy update

    i wonder when nestiness sets in though cuz evie is molting and growing in her adult coloring. so that must mean she's maturing right? cuz when joey started molting, his hormones were kicking in at the same time. anyway, i consider myself lucky right now cuz evolet's as sweet as can be to me. i hope my bossy little girl never starts to bite me. but i'd still love her regardless.

    Joey, Evolet, Pantalaimon, Jada, Chomper, Milo, Hermes, Apollo, Orion, Basil, Ginger, Pepper, Sage, and Wasabi

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Phoenix Arizona

    Default Re: Lizzy and Stormy update

    Quote Originally Posted by Enko_chan View Post
    for all we know she doesn't like the smell of his deoderant,
    haha i couldnt help but laugh at this. I can picture telling Eric that and him spitting back "would you rather me smell??" LOL

    I dont think its a men issue because her breeder was a male (from my experience i tend to notice that when a bird is raised by a certain gender, then tend to like them LEAST with my birds). I do think its the fact that hes scared of her. I dont react to her bites at all, even stepping up, if she does get fiesty and goes to attack my hand, ill push my finger towards her so quick, she steps up without having a chance to bite lol.

    Last night she was on my shoulder nibbling my ear, so i turned my head and she gave me kisses Eric was like, im just waiting for her to walk away with a piece of your mouth..

    Altho she does have some aggressiveness about her shes a much funner bird than Stormy so far lol ( dont tell him tho! ) But you can see hes getting there it could just be that he took longer to open up than she did.
    (the story behind everyone)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Pittsfield, MA,

    Default Re: Lizzy and Stormy update

    Birds tend to take better to people who are not bird-shy and they seem to have a pretty good sense of who is and who is not.
    I think this is true with alot of animals.....they can sense your feelings and if you are scared. pulling your hand away quick from a bird who is going to bite is giving them the reaction they want, so they know to use that one works! no reaction and no need to use an open beak or biting if it gets no response, so trying to be tough and not pull away is definitely worth trying.
    I've had birds that love everyone regardless, and birds that only take to certain people I have had birds that seem to take more to people of a certain gender.
    My Ivy only likes me and seems to be more scared of men than women, although she is coming around really good with my boyfriend, but very slowly! I think alot of birds prefer a certain gender.....its funny how they know, huh? My next door neighbor has a cockatoo who only likes men.
    I hope that someday people can understand that it's not "just a bird,"
    but the very thing that gives me humanity and keeps me from being "just a

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