There probably is no cure but I think there is a form of prevention--livie in a no pets apartment. And poverty helps. My current apartment doesn't allow pets but I got a clause in my lease that I could have my Lovie. Lucky for me the owner decided she liked me before she knew about the bird & I said if Bo didn't come, I didn't come. I hid the canary when they decided to do an inspection when a rental management company took over. Didn't want to push my luck. I really don't know how y'all afford your flocks. I've spent over $2000 at the vet's in the past 3 months! Of course Buddy hasn't always been that expensive but there is her annual check up & boarding at the vet's whenever I leave town & can't take her with me. I won't trust her to anyone's care but aviatrician. They are so good to her. When I thanked the vet for taking such good care of my baby when I had to leave her for 2 weeks--the longest we have ever been apart--he said. "That's a special bird. But you almost lost her." I looked horrified until he added, "Every time I looked at my kennel keeper she had that ##@!!# bird on her shoulder. I finally had to tell her to put the bird back and get to work!" She really is a special bird
I guess you could say I have SMBS--Sequential Multiple Bird Syndrome. The only way I can stop crying when I lose a fid is to get another ASAP!