Hi folks! Noticed a little quirk in Sky's behavior so I'd thought I'd ask the community.

She laid two eggs (and I included two fake ones) about two weeks ago and, unlike the other batch, has been devoted to this one. She sits on them in a corner in the cage floor, under her water (no drips). (Yes, calcium has been provided faithfully). But yesterday I noticed something funny: she's normally in a semi bright corner where she doesn't receive direct sunlight, but yesterday I had to work at home so I took her with me to my room where I have my workdesk. There, I have an open window, and as soon as I settled the cage down she almost immediately went up to her swing and stayed there --until I put her back in her corner, and she as quickly as possible went back to her eggs. Just for test, I placed her in front of the balcony and bang, back to the swing. Why is that? Is she lacking sunlight?

My second question is, when should I remove the eggs? I haven't been home much and I haven't been able to devote much time to her, so it doubly breaks my heart to see her so committed to a lost cause. I want my girl to be happy.

Thanks in advance!