I have tried not to complain about it because I now know quarantining new birds (thanks to this forum) is necessary. GOODNESS...they all like to talk to each other. There isn't a floor in this house that isn't loud. My roommate says it feels like we live in a rain forest (not in a good way).

I go talk to one bird and she stops, while the other 3 are yelling for me.

Unfortunately, I have neighbors that think we live in a retirement villages...gosh forbid if my doggies bark...complaints (I live in a townhouse). So far I believe that they can't hear my lovies

My sanity is compromised... but it's worth it.

I asked in another post if it is ok to take them all the vet at the same time...hopefully I can get them all in this week. Does this mean I can shorten my quarantine time if they are all checked out together?...oh please say it is so...one room of singing lovies is good...3 floors is crazy