OK so im a huge animal lover i love dogs more then anything but lovebird are right up there. so i talk my boyfriend(who i live with) to let me get one a lovebird...
well he was so happy for me and now a week later hes being a little rude boy about it. he cant stand that kiwi is always on me, say its silly and stupid and that i wear this sweater just for kiwi(cuz he chews everything he can get it peak on) i dont want my nice shirts to get runed. or that i sit by the cage when kiwi in there and just talk to him, ya so i can get kiwi USE TO ME! ive only had kiwi a week as of today. but he just doenst get it at all... and im getting very sick of his annoying comment to me every night. oh and he thinks bird dropings are the sickest thing ever and he hates when kiwi grinds his peak i was like sorry but its just like a cat purring same thing. and he calls hiim self a BIG animal lover if he was such an animal love he would understand why i take kiwi out and have kiwi one me all the time which to tell you the truth kiwi isnt out as much as it like kiwi to be
sorry i guess this is more of a vent to someone who may understand me.