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Thread: How do i manage to get the babies indoors?

  1. #1

    Default How do i manage to get the babies indoors?

    Hi everyone,

    Well my little ones are now fully feathered and quite independent to say the least. I have visually seen them playing in the feed dishes, so i think it is time to come indoors and begin the gruesome task of getting them to understand that i am not some big ugly monster that comes to see them everyday.

    I was hoping someone could offer a suggestion that might help me in my attempt to capturing them. They are in the tall aviary outside and i just know this is going to be the biggest drama to catch them. I was thinking that perhaps just before nightfall might do the trick when they do not have the clear sight to get away from me. No matter what my mind conjours up i swear it all seems very traumatic. (for both of us) I know momma and daddy are going to have a fit.

    Huggs to you, ...Auntie Ron

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Portland, OR

    Default Re: How do i manage to get the babies indoors?

    Make it as quick as possible. You'll be getting the whole flock out their a bi wound, so doing it fast will cut down on stress. I agree doing it at dawn or dusk, when they are beginning to quiet down and can't see quite as good to get away would be a great option. I'd (and this isn't going sound right being typed) grab them quickly and get them into a small cage or carrier, cover it and then take them inside. Good luck!

  3. #3

    Default Re: How do i manage to get the babies indoors?

    Hi ,

    Thankyou for the replies, i think that evening would be best. I was just out there talking to them and watching them watch me like i was some big hungry monster.. poor little babes. Little do they know they will have a wonderful spoiled life ahead of them.

    here is their new cage, i got them a nice fuzzy coozy to give them a place to sleep.

    Huggs again, ...Auntie

  4. #4

    Default Re: How do i manage to get the babies indoors?

    Wow, that was much easier than i thought.

    Inpatient me, the old worry-wort, decided to go out there into the aviary to see if i could get a little close. One flew to the side of the wire and held on and i just reached over and plucked the little guy off the wire without a fuss.

    I went ahead and did a little wing trim past the first primary feathers to prevent him from having the lift they normally have but still enabling him to land safely. I typically am not for any wing trimming at all but under the circumstances i felt this will help my mom during their first month with her.

    I went back out after putting the first youngin in the new cage, and tried this technique again, sure enough the next one flew to the side of the aviary and held on to the wire while i reached over and picked "her" off. Easy as pie

    Both are here in the house, safe and sound with no excess hassles.... Lyndsey my house lovie was having a fit so i let her out of her cage ...she is on their cage consoling them and being very nice. I hope she doesn't give me any trouble about going back in her own cage later on LOL It would be a nice treat if she takes to these and fosters them a little bit by offering them some regurgitated food. It might be a nice thing to see her do.

    I won't let mom take these home for a few weeks to make sure they are doing well and adjusting, in the meantime i will take advantage of them being in the house to get them out of the cage for some handling time. I am so pleased that i have yet to run into any biting when i have had to handle them. Lyndsey has never attempted to bite and neither did these little ones. I hope that is a good sign for the future. I don't want my mom to be afraid to reach in and work with them.

    ...Thanks for being here everyone !! , ... I was nervous and am glad to be over this next big step at having little ones born and raised here.

    Biggest Huggs, ...Auntie Ron
    here is a pic of Lyndsey on top of their cage talking to them
    here is one of the babes in the front the other is on the perch in the back
    this last pic is not a good one ..but shows Lyndsey in silohuette

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Atlanta, GA

    Default Re: How do i manage to get the babies indoors?

    WOW! Job well done! I was of no help and couldn't figure out how you were going to get them but, you did! They are so cute and I'm sure the move is not nearly as scary for them since they are still with each other....and Lyndsey! Looks like she might be a big help but I'm sure you'll keep a very close watch on her while she's near them.

    It's great that you'll be keeping them for a couple more weeks, to be sure they're eating well and to work with them for a little while before they go to your moms. I'm sure she's really going to enjoy them!

    Oliver, RIP
    Big Boi

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Portland, OR

    Default Re: How do i manage to get the babies indoors?

    There little guys for sure, cute ones too. Looks as though mom and/or dad did some plucking on them; which many parents (hens mostly in my case) do to them to get them out of the nest for the next clutch to be laid.
    Just make sure the cuties are eating well on their own (though having Lyndsey around to show them it's ok to eat food inside your house might be helpful too).
    Glad the "capture" went easily and uneventfully.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Orlando FL

    Default Re: How do i manage to get the babies indoors?

    Aw, that first photo of Lyndsey, how can you look at her and not smile?
    He** hath no fury like a nesty hen

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Atlanta, Ga

    Default Re: How do i manage to get the babies indoors?

    Looks like your little helper is eager. Lyndsey will be a big "sister" to them until they are ready to leave. I bet they will follow her around once they get out to explore a little. You did a great job catching them and I'm glad it was painless. Keep us posted on how they're doing. Good to hear from you too.
    I live in my own little world, but it's ok...they know me there.

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